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The Status and Position of Parents from the Perspective of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

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The Status and Position of Parents from the Perspective of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

Although much is said in today's world about the status of mothers, and even the 20th of Jamadi Al-Thani, corresponding to the birth of the model of mothers of the world, Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), has been designated as "Mother's Day" and to honor the noble personality of this holy being.


But unfortunately, the state of machine civilization is such that it cuts off the relationship between fathers and mothers from their children very early, so that emotional relationships are rarely seen among them after they grow up.


The painful sight of adult nursing homes in human societies, which are the centers of disabled fathers and mothers who have become disabled and have been rejected by their families, is a very telling witness to this bitter truth.


Men and women who, after a lifetime of service and the delivery of numerous children to society at a time when they are in dire need of their children's affections and help, are completely driven away, and there they wait for death, counting the days, and they keep their eyes on the door for an acquaintance to come through the door, an expectation that perhaps does not occur more than once or twice a year! Indeed, the idea of ​​such a situation makes life bitter for a person from the very beginning, and this is the way and custom of the material world and civilization, rather than faith and religion.


This global challenge comes at a time when there are amazing verses and narrations in Islam in this regard that advise Muslims of the extraordinary importance of the position of the mother, so that they should strive in this regard not only in words, but also in deeds.


Although human emotions and the issue of gratitude alone are sufficient to observe respect for parents, since Islam does not remain silent on issues in which both reason has complete independence and emotion clearly understands them, but rather issues the necessary instructions to emphasize such cases, it has emphasized respect for parents, especially appreciation for the position of the mother, to such an extent that this is rarely seen in any other issue.

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