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Reliance on domestic potential and confidence in resistance economy are key to resolve the nuclear issue

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Reliance on domestic potential and confidence in resistance economy are key to resolve the nuclear issue

2015/05/28 - Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting the speaker of parliament (Majlis) and MPs, underscored the necessity of persistence in serious efforts by Majlis in the remaining one year of its four-year term. He said not being influenced by the issue of elections, interaction with other branches of government, particularly the executive power, paying special attention to the issue of the Economy of Resistance, particularly in examining the Sixth Five-Year Economic Development Plan (March 2015-March 2020), the budget bill for the Iranian calendar year 1395 (starting March 2016) and insistence on the fundamental positions of the Islamic establishment and the revolution are among the most important tasks assigned to the legislators.
“The key to the country’s economic problems as well as the nuclear issue is reliance on domestic potentialities and belief in the Economy of Resistance. In the country, there is no deadlock. The remedy to the problems is to boost domestic production and observe financial discipline,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.     
In the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei heaped praise on the lawmakers in the ninth Majlis for their efforts and satisfactory measures and recommended they benefit from the remaining one year of their term. “Over this time, be careful so that the issue of elections [to be held by] the end of the year would not influence your words and behavior and you should set rightfulness as the only yardstick,” said the Supreme Leader.
 In his second piece of advice, the Supreme Leader recommended the lawmakers pay special attention to the sixth development plan and steer clear of languor in their final year in office in examining the law governing the development plan. Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The law [governing the] sixth [development] plan is important because the administrations will be obligated to obey it and people’s lives will be influenced by this law.”
Ayatollah Khamenei’s third piece of advice pertained to interaction with other branches of government, particularly the executive power. “The executive branch is responsible for coordination between other branches and organs and its successful performance will influence the performance of other organs. Therefore, interaction with the executive power is necessary and is a real manifestation of rapport and empathy,” he said.  
The Supreme Leader said one of the tools for interaction is “good faith,” adding: “Interaction will not be created by bad faith and by considering the opposite party’s [position] as compromise, treason and exploitation. Moreover, good faith does not mean credulity and being deceived.”
Noting that interaction is different from distraint, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “the MPs and ministers should base their interaction on legal obligations and the country’s interests and not distraining from one another’s camp.”
He said respectful and polite behavior with ministers, particularly in the parliamentary committee meetings, is another necessity for interaction, adding: “Neither should the MPs have any humiliating and insolent look, nor should the administration and ministers hold a majestic look. In all stages, politeness should be observed.”
The supreme leader’s fourth recommendation to the MP was about the issue of Economy of Resistance.
To that effect, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted a delicate point and said: “In the country, there is rapport with regard to the issue of Economy of Resistance, but empathy should also be created [so that] we would believe the Economy of Resistance from the bottom of heart.”
Noting that the solution to the country’s domestic problems is the Economy of Resistance and bolstering production, the Supreme Leader praised the parliament for having approved the law for the removal of obstacles to production. He added: “If we boost production and benefit from domestic potentialities, in addition to domestic problems, the resolution of external issues like the nuclear issue will also be facilitated.”
The Supreme Leader said: “For the nuclear issue, there are solutions, all of which depend on reliance on domestic potentialities and boosting production.”
“Within the framework of our issues with the US, the West and Zionism, not to mention the nuclear issue, we also envisage other sequential issues like human rights. But if we focus on domestic capabilities and resolve domestic problems, the settlement of these problems will be easy as well,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. “Therefore, in examining the law [governing the] sixth plan and next year’s budget [bill], the existing voids should be filled in light of a special view of the issue of Economy of Resistance,” the Supreme Leader told the lawmakers.
The Supreme Leader added: “Regarding boost in production, [our] friends [in] the administration constantly say we are facing shortage of resources. I am also aware of this issue and the sanctions have also contributed to the shortage of resources, but shouldn’t we seek a remedy under such circumstances?”
Noting that there is a remedy, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The shortage of resources is not an undoable knot and its solution lies in prioritization when it come to allocation of domestic resources and financial discipline.”
He said: “Under such circumstances, money is spent in places where it should not. Therefore, the executive branch, Majlis, the judiciary and the armed forces should correctly manage [resources] and observe financial discipline to distribute the resources appropriately and based on priorities.”  
The Supreme Leader referred to some organs, particularly some sections of the Armed Forces, which have enhanced their capabilities and performance without any extra budget allocation, saying: “These instances show that issues and problems could be resolved at a time of shortage of resources.”
Another piece of advice by Ayatollah Khamenei was insistence on the fundamental positions of the Islamic establishment.
He referred to the acceptable and positive and quite advanced positions adopted by the parliament with regard to the main issues and fundamentals of the Islamic establishment and the revolution, saying: “The structure of Majlis should always be the towering edifice of the fundamental stances of the establishment. The yardstick in this regard is the instructions of the late venerable Imam [Khomeini] and his testament.”  
The Supreme Leader said: “If Majlis always insists on the fundamental and principled positions of the establishment, there would not be the risk of plunging into the horrible precipice of the hegemonic system, but if, God forbid, there is no such perseverance, dangers will abound.”
Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the nuclear issue and said: “Our positions on the nuclear issue are the same as we have expressed openly to people. The same points have been notified to the officials both verbally and in writing. Of course, some points have been said in private and off-the-record to stress and elucidate the principled positions.”
Noting that [nuclear] officials and negotiators are working hard, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “They should insist on the positions announced [to them] and we hope that they will be able to guarantee the interests of the country and the establishment.”
At the start of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to big opportunities like the months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadan on the lunar calendar, calling on all officials, including lawmakers, to strengthen their communications with God. He said: “By performing prayers revealed in these months and by increasing our affinity with Quran and Nafilah prayers, we should clear the way for closer communications with God.”
He stressed that everyone should feel responsible before God for his term in office, saying the last year in office for the MPs is important. “We should make efforts, so that our drive would be within the framework of observing divine rightfulness, and [having] an honest tongue as well as a truthful look.”  


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