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Hazrat Khadijah's (S) Position in Paradise

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Hazrat Khadijah's (S) Position in Paradise

One of the virtues of Hazrat Khadijah (S) is her position in Paradise that God has promised her. The Holy Prophet (S) also gave Khadijah the good news of this many times and said: "In Paradise, you will have a house where you will not see suffering and hardship." Imam Sadiq (A.S) also says: When Khadijah (S) passed away, the young Fatimah was impatient and would go around her father and ask him for her mother. The Prophet (S) became even more saddened by this state of his little daughter and sought a way to comfort her. Fatimah continued to be impatient until Gabriel descended to the Prophet (S) and said: "Give greetings to Fatimah (S) and tell her that your mother is sitting in a house in Paradise next to Asiyah, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, the daughter of Imran." When Fatima (s.a.) heard this, she calmed down and was no longer impatient.

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