Holy Prophet's wives (11)
The Biography of Khadijeh
August 13, 2014 - 20568 hit(s)
The family biograghy Khadijeh was born 15 years befor AmolFill and 68 years befor Hejrat…
Biography of Jenabe Hafsa
June 02, 2014 - 3614 hit(s)
In the name of Allah the Beneficient and the Merciful Biography of Jenabe Hafsa Jenabe…
Aisha’s biography
May 25, 2014 - 25410 hit(s)
She was the daughter of the first caliph Abu Bakir the first child of Abu…
The Biography of Hazrat Zainab bint Khozaimeh
April 26, 2014 - 7097 hit(s)
Jenab Zainab bint Khozaimeh bin Hareth bin Abdullah bin Omrao bin abd Manaf bin Hilal…
The biography of honorable Suda
March 10, 2014 - 4046 hit(s)
Suda was the daughter of Zoma’a bin Qais from Quraysh Tribe of Mecca. She was…
Meymooneh`s character sketch
January 26, 2014 - 3553 hit(s)
Meymooneh was Hares ibn Hezn`s daughter and Umm Alfazl`s sister who was Abbas ibn Abdolmotaleb…
The biography of ZainabbintJahesh
January 14, 2014 - 3695 hit(s)
The biography of ZainabbintJahesh Honorable Zainab was one of the Holly Prophet's wives (peace be…
Umm Habiba’s charaeter Scetch
August 25, 2013 - 4770 hit(s)
Umm Habiba was one of the prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) wives who was Abusufyan ibn Harb…
The Life of Maria Qibtiyya
July 04, 2012 - 25879 hit(s)
Miss Maria Qibityya , the wife of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and (the)daughter of Qibityya…
The Life of Lady Juwayriyah
April 11, 2012 - 4724 hit(s)
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful The Battle of Bani Mustalaq The…
The Life of Lady Ome salameh
April 08, 2012 - 3953 hit(s)
In The Name of Allah the compassionate the Merciful Her real name was Hend and…