Knowing the first Muslim woman

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Knowing the first Muslim woman

In the ups and downs of Islam, less than a lady, such as Hazrat Khadijeh, the noble wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) - has shone. The benefit of the supreme human attributes and the behavior of his transcendent insight made him such a person that, until years after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he was tears on his blessed cheeks and remembered him as great. .


The family that raised the Prophet (PBUH) was among the largest Arab tribes in terms of family dignity and relatively relatives. The family had influence in all Hejaz. The great works of decency and dignity were from the deeds and speech of Prophet Khadijeh.


The Prophet was from the Hashem tribe and his father and relatives were the rich of Quraysh. His father was Khuildben Asad Qureshi. Her mother was Fatima's daughter bin Asem.


Hazrat Khadijeh was the first Muslim woman, one of her greatest and most prominent moral characteristics can be mentioned the patience of this great lady of Islam, it is said that Islam has been published with two things; The first sword of Prophet Ali (PBUH) and the second wealth and forgiveness of Prophet Khadijeh.


Prophet Khadijeh is one of the four perfect women in the world, the first and best wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the mother of Prophet Fatima Zahra.


Services of Khadijeh Salamullah to Islam:


The Prophet performed many services to the noble and Islam of Islam for the past five years of living with the beloved Prophet of Islam. Financial, spiritual, emotional support for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Prophet's affirmation and confirmation of a time when no one approved him and his help against the persecution of the polytheists is some of these valuable services.


After marrying the Prophet (peace be upon him), Khadijeh (PBUH) gave him his property to consume it any way. The beloved Prophet of Islam says: "There was no wealth as much as I had as the wealth of Khadijeh. »


Prophet Khadijeh, this noble lady, not only believed in the Prophet's mission from the depth of life, but also helped her against the hardships and denial of the polytheists and malevolent. As long as he was alive, he did not allow the persecution of the polytheists to be hard on the Messenger of Allah. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came home with a burden of sadness and sadness, Prophet Khadijeh (PBUH) comforted him and removed concern from his mind.


The property of Prophet Khadijeh (PBUH) as an appropriate tool from the beginning was serving Islam and its progress. Interestingly, the last part of Khadijeh's property was spent by the Amir of the Believers on a trip to Medina. Most of the Muslims were traveled with the property of Prophet Khadijeh. The last of them was the café that Amir al -Mu'minin (AS) took over.


Prophet Khadijeh (peace be upon him) has self -thought and modernity. Although the Lady of Makrram, though of the original Arab and the Arab dignity of the time, they had admirable privileges and were always trying to grow and cultivate such human and godly attributes.

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