By what conditions does Hajj become obligatory for a person?

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By what conditions does Hajj become obligatory for a person?

Hajj is visiting the house of God and doing the deeds that are performed there, and it is obligatory once in the entire life of a person who has this condition, and those conditions are:

1- Be an adult.

2- Be wise and free.

3- By going to Hajj, he should not be forced to perform a forbidden act, which is more important in Sharia than Hajj, or to leave an obligatory act that is more important than Hajj.

4- To be reasonable, therefore, to be reasonable is to several things:

1) He should have the travel luggage and the things that he needs during the trip, which have been mentioned in detail in his place, as well as travel expenses or money that he can provide them.

2) Mental health and the ability to go to Mecca and Hajj.

3) There should be no obstacles on the way, and if the way is closed, or the person fears that his life or wealth will be lost on the way. or they take his property, Hajj is not obligatory on him, but if he can go by another way, even if it is far, if it is not too difficult and not too unconventional, then he should go that way.

4) To have enough time to perform Hajj.

5) He should have the expenses of those whose expenses are obligatory on him, such as his wife and children, and the expenses of those whom people consider it necessary to spend on them.

6) After returning, earn, or cultivate, or earn, property, or have another way to support yourself so that you don't have to live in hardship.

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