Lady Fatima's (PBUH) high status in the words of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (PBUH)

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Lady Fatima's (PBUH) high status in the words of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet (PBUH)

The following is an excerpt of the analysis of a hadith conducted at the beginning of Dars-e Kharij on December 30, 2019, by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, about the relationship between Hazrat Fatimah Zahra and the Holy Prophet (greetings be upon them).

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master Muhammad, and upon his pure household, and may God curse all their enemies

Aisha bint Talha narrates from Aisha bint Abu Bakr, “I did not find anyone among people who resembled the Holy Prophet (greetings be upon him and his household), in word and speech, more than Fatimah. Whenever she paid a visit to the Holy Prophet, Hazrat would welcome her, would kiss her hand, and would seat her in his own place and whenever the Holy Prophet paid a visit to her, she would rise, would welcome him and would kiss his hand.

When the Holy Prophet became sick, Fatimah paid a visit to him and Hazrat whispered something in her ear and then, she began to weep. The Holy Prophet whispered something else in her ear and she laughed. I said to myself, ‘I thought that this woman was superior to others, but I see now that she is just like others because she laughs after having wept.’ Then, I asked her about this, but she replied that it is not the time to answer that question.

When the Holy Prophet passed away, I put that question again to her and she said, ‘He said to me that he would pass away. That was why I cried.  Then he said that I would be the first among his family members who would join him and that was why I laughed.’” [Amali al-Tousi, Chapter 14, page 400]

Aisha bint Talha narrates from Aisha bint Abu Bakr, “I did not find anyone among people who resembled the Holy Prophet (greetings be upon him and his household), in word and speech, more than Fatimah.”

The daughter of Talhah, named Aisha, was a well-known woman among the Quraysh tribe and it is narrated that she was the honorable wife of the Holy Prophet who narrates from Aisha bint Abu Bakr:

 “I did not find anyone among people who resembled the Holy Prophet (greetings be upon him and his household), in word and speech, more than Fatimah.” These days coincide with the martyrdom of that great personality. This narration is about their resemblance in terms of the way he spoke, but I have seen another narration – again by Aisha – in which she says that Fatimah resembled the Holy Prophet more than anyone else in terms of their looks and the way he walked.

 “Whenever she paid a visit to the Holy Prophet, Hazrat would welcome her.”

After that she says that whenever Hazrat Fatimah (God’s greetings be upon her) paid a visit to his house, the Holy Prophet would welcome her.

 “Would kiss her hand.”

The Holy Prophet would then kiss her hand.

 “And would seat her in his own place.”

He would seat her in his own place. The Holy Prophet respected his daughter – the greatest lady in the entire human history – that much.

 “And whenever the Holy Prophet paid a visit to her, she would rise, would welcome him and would kiss his hand.”

And whenever the Holy Prophet would go to her house, she would rise, would welcome him and would kiss his hand.

 “When the Holy Prophet became sick, Fatimah paid a visit to him.”

During the time when the Holy Prophet became sick – his last illness – Fatimah went to visit him in his house.

 “And Hazrat whispered something in her ear and then, she began to weep.”

They began to whisper and Fatimah (God’s greetings be upon her) began to weep.

 “The Holy Prophet whispered something else in her ear and she laughed.”

They whispered again, but this time, Fatimah (God’s greetings be upon her) laughed.

 “I said to myself, ‘I thought that this woman was superior to others, but I see now that she is just like others because she laughs after having wept.’”

Aisha says to herself, what is that? I used to think that that lady was superior to other women. It becomes clear that she is a woman just like others as she weeps once and laughs another time.

 “Then, I asked her about this, but she replied that it was not time to answer that question.”

She approached Fatimah and asked her about the incident, but Hazrat said that she could not answer because then she would be a revealer – as people say today, she would be a “big mouth”. So, Hazrat Zahra did not tell her what the reason was.

 “When the Holy Prophet passed away, I put that question again to her.”

After the demise of the Holy Prophet, she asked that question again. At that time, there was no problem to talk because the Holy Prophet had passed away and it was alright to talk about it.

 “She said, ‘He said to me that he would pass away. That was why I cried.’”

Fatimah said, “The Holy Prophet said to me that he would pass away and that made me cry.”

 “Then he said that I would be the first among his family members who would join him and that was why I laughed.”

After that, he told her that she would be the first among his household who would join him: That made me happy and therefore, I laughed.

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