The world government of Hazrat Mahdi (AS)

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The world government of Hazrat Mahdi (AS)

According to traditions, one of the famous characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi's government is its universality. Mahdi's rule covers the east and west of the world, there is no place left on earth unless the voice of monotheism is heard from it, and the whole world is filled with justice and giving.


In that era, at the hands of that great Imam, the lofty ideal of forming a great human society and human family will be realized and the long-standing wish of all prophets and imams (a.s.) and reformers and philanthropists will be fulfilled. Imam Reza (a.s.) from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has narrated as follows: God said on the night of Ascension:... and I will truly cleanse the earth from my enemies through the last (infallible imams (pbuh)) and I will place the entire extent of the earth under his rule.. "


In the era of Imam Mahdi's leadership, one of the main factors of conflict, war and oppression will be eliminated by creating a single centrality and management and sovereignty for all communities, races and regions. The beloved Messenger of Islam (PBUH) says: "There are twelve leaders after me; The first of them is you, O Ali, the last of them is Qaim; He who is God will conquer the whole earth with his hands, the easts and the wests.


Of course, this hope is rooted in the thoughts and beliefs of all ethnic groups and nations, and it is more or less different everywhere; But in Shiite thought, it benefits from a special clarity and clarity; In this way, the Imam is waiting and the final savior is alive. One day he will come by God's command and fill the world with justice.


One of the concepts that emerged from the very beginning in connection with Mahdism and the appearance of the promised savior and was among the religious beliefs of many Shias is the concept of "one global government". According to this belief, with the appearance of the absent Imam, Islam, as the only divine and perfect religion with a comprehensive Sharia, will be accepted by everyone, the oppressors will be pulled down from the power base; The global government of Islam will be established under the direct leadership of the last innocent and just Imam, and justice will be implemented on a global scale based on religion and morality. In some verses of the Quran, this sovereignty is mentioned in some way

 (وهُو الذی اَرْسلَ رَسوُلهُ بالهُدی وَ دینِ الحق لِیُظهِرهُ عَلی الدین کُلهِ)

. Of course, the verses related to the universality of Islam also confirm this meaning; Because this divine promise has not been fulfilled and without a doubt it must be fulfilled sometime.

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