Israel and the deception of the international community

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Israel and the deception of the international community

Free luxury goods to Gaza; basic goods are prohibited!


After imposing 16 months of war on the people of Gaza, the Zionist regime, under international pressure, is using a new tactic of sending luxury goods instead of basic and essential goods to Palestinian refugees living in Gaza.


The markets of the Gaza Strip are now full of snacks, biscuits, hot and cold drinks, and even expensive fruits, but the Zionists are preventing the entry of basic and essential goods such as flour, eggs, and sugar to improve the nutritional conditions of 2 million Palestinian refugees!


"Umm Ahmed al-Turk", a Palestinian refugee, told a Tasnim reporter: "We don't need Nescafe and cappuccino. Our bodies are weak and helpless from hunger, and we even faint when we walk."


"Amal Saleh", a Palestinian mother, also says: "We need flour because the most important and basic thing is for children to eat bread. Children are not even able to stand up." By God, our children are dying from extreme hunger and cannot tolera

te hunger.

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