Lady Khadija (sa): The First Believer and Helper of Islam Mother of the Believers (Ummul Momineen)

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Lady Khadija (sa): The First Believer and Helper of Islam Mother of the Believers (Ummul Momineen)

Name – Bibi Khadija
Title – Umm-ul-Momineen
Birth – Makkah
Father’s Name – Khawailad Ibn Asad

Mother’s Name – Fatima
Death – 10th Ramadhan, two years before Hijra at the age of 65 Years
Buried – at Mecca in Jannat al-Mulla


This noble lady, known to us as Mother of the Believers (Ummul Momineen) and the first wife of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), was the first person ever to accept Islam after it had been revealed to him by Jibreel (Angel Gabriel).

Lady Khadija (sa) was one of the greatest women of the world and her rank is as high as the great Mary/Maryam the mother of Prophet Jesus/Isa (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (saw) says about her: “Four greatest women of the world are: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Mary bint Emran and Asiya bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh.”

Khadija tul Kubra (sa), combined in her person all those attribute, which add up to perfection. Malikatul Arab was the ideal woman, the ideal wife for the Seal of Prophets, Prophet Muhammad (saw), and the ideal mother.

As the saying goes “Islam did not rise except through Ali’s sword and Khadija’s wealth.” Let us take a peep into the life of this blessed lady and hope to understand her enormous contribution to Islam.

After the death of her father Khuwaylid, Lady Khadija (sa) took charge of the family business, and as a result, it rapidly expanded. With the profits she made, Lady Khadija (sa) helped the poor, the widows, the orphans, the sick and the disabled. If there were any poor girls, Lady Khadija (sa) married them off, and gave them dowry.

Lady Khadijah (sa) has collected more “firsts” in the history of nascent Islam than anyone else. She was the first wife of the last messenger of Allah. She was the first woman Believer. She was the very first mortal to declare that the Creator was only One, and that Muhammad (saw) was His Messenger. The glory and honor of being the first woman believer in the whole world, is hers to all eternity.

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