Month of Rajab-ul-Murrajab

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Istighfar. The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, "Rajab is the month for seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (swt)".

Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) descendant of Holy Prophet (saww)says "Rajab is the name of a river in heaven, which is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts in Rajab shall be able to drink from that river".

Sadaqah. Giving `Sadaqah' (charity/alms) is also highly recommended




It has been said that if keeping fast in this month is difficult one should give on Dirham or one Mund Wheat or Barley as Sadqa. In one tradition one loaf of bread has been recommended. If one is unable to keep fast and is also poor enough that he cannot even give prescribed Sadqa then he should recite the following 100 times daily through the month of Rajab. Ppt

Glory be to Allah the Grand. Glory which befits none but Him. Glory to the most Mighty, the Most Bountiful. Glory to Him Who reserved the power for Himself and which He deserves.

O` Allah! Send Your Blessings on Mohammad and his Progeny, Ameen.سُبْحَانَ الإلهِ الْجَلِيلِ!

سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لا يَنْبَغِي التّسْبِيحُ إلاّ لَهُ!

سُبْحَانَ الأعَزِّ الأكْرَمِ!

سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لَبِسَ الْعِزَّ وَهُوَ لَهُ أَهْلٌ.


Rajab An Important spiritual month Al Mubin pdf

Salaat Salman Farsi

Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer ending with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with the Eid Al Fitr. These three months are unmatched in their importance. Praise be to the Almighty and thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “ Rajab is a great month of Allah, unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rajab is Allah’s month, Sha’aban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed.”

Fasting is one of the most recommended acts during this spiritual season. It becomes Wajib during the month of Ramadan, but is highly recommended during the months of Rajab and Sha’baan. As will be noted from the Hadith above and others to follow, fasting, be it for only one day during these months, is rewarded with untold bounties.

Salmaan Farsi narrates that the Final messenger of Allah (SAW) said that there is a day in the month of Rajab on which if a person fasts and does Qiyaamul Lail (night vigil ) on that night, he will receive rewards like a person who fasts for 100 years and does Qiyaamul Lail for nights of 100 years. This night is the night of the 27th (Rajab) and the day of the 27th (Rajab). This is the day on which Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was appointed to Messengerhood, (Ghuniyatut Talibeen, Tarteeb Shareef page 781) Imam Kazim(as) is reported to have said "Rajab is (the name of) a River in paradise that is whiter than milk & sweeter than honey. Allah will allow one to drink from this river if he fasts for even one day in this month.It is also a month of seeking forgiveness more than usual as Allah is forgiving & merciful during this month.

The Greatness of the Month of Rajab Translated by Saleem Bhimji from the book Al-Muraqabat written by Ayatullah âajj Mirza Jawad Malik Tabrizi (may Allah sanctify his soul)

This month is one of the noblest of months for the following reasons:

1. It is one of the Sacred Months (there are four of these in the Islamic calendar).

2. It is one of the months of Supplication and even during the period of Ignorance (before the coming of Islam) this was well known amongst the people and the Arabs of that time would always wait and anticipate the coming of this month so that they could supplicate and ask their needs.

3. This month is the month of Amir Al-Mo’minin `Ali ibn Abi salib (peace be upon him) just as it has been mentioned in the ahadith and as we are also told that the month of Sha`ban is the month of the Messenger of Allah (prayers be upon him and his family) and the Month of Ramadhan is the month of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him).

4. The first night of this month is one of the four nights in the year which it has been emphasized that we should stay awake in prayer and worship.

5. In relation to the 15thof this month, it has been mentioned that it is the most loved of days in the sight of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) and it is the time when we should perform the action known as

“Istiftah” which shall be explained in detail later on in this discussion.

6. The 27th of this month is the date when the official appointment of the Noble Prophet (prayers be upon him and his family) took place and it is the day when the mercy and blessings of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) were physically manifested upon this Earth – something which this world has never seen from its inception until today.

This is a glimpse at some of the benefits of this month, as we do not possess the ability and capacity to fully understand and appreciate all of the greatness that is accompanied with this month.

One of the important things which must be observed in this month is to keep in mind the hadith “Malak Da’ee” which has been narrated from the Noble Prophet (prayers be upon him and his family).

The Noble Messenger of Allah (prayers be upon him and his family) has related that, “Allah the Most High has placed an Angel in the seventh heaven who is referred to as ‘Da’ee’. When the Month of Rajab approaches, this Angel repeats the following prayer every night until the morning time, ‘Congratulations to those who are busy in the glorification of Allah. Congratulations to those who are obeying the commands of Allah.’ Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) then replies, ‘I sit in the company of that person who sits in My Company, and I obey the commands of that person who obeys My Commands and I forgive that person who also forgives others. The month is My month and the servant is My servant and the mercy (shown) is My mercy. Whoever calls Me during this month, I will surely reply to him and whoever requests something from Me, I will surely grant that to him and whosoever requests guidance from Me, I will truly guide him. I have made this month as a link between Myself and My servants and whoever takes hold of this link will surely reach Me.”

It is shame when we reflect on our level of obedience to Allah!

Where are the people who would sincerely thank Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him)?

Where are the people who are sincerely striving to reach Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him)? Do those people who possess intelligence have the ability to understand the truth that is contained within this heavenly call? Why then is there no answer given to this call?

Where are those with a deep spiritual insight into Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) – those people who know that not a single other person amongst all of the creation has the ability to truly thank Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) for his blessings as they are able to?

Where are those people who have lapses and slips on their record that they would be able to answer this heavenly call and proclaim, ‘I have answered the call and am ready to assist You! Greetings upon you O’ beautiful caller towards Allah; O’ King of Kings; the Most Merciful of those who can show mercy; O’ Allah – the Most Patient and Generous; the Friend of those who feel contempt for their own souls; The One who possesses Great forgiveness; the one who will change our bad deeds into righteous actions!’

Salaat of Salman Farsi (the noble companion ) 3 times =First / Middle-15 / End of month

Hadrat Salmaan narrates that the Beloved of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said "O Salmaan, there is no Mumin (True Believer) and Muminah (Truly Believing Female) who performs 30 Raka'ah in the month of Rajab ( 10 units on 1st , 10 units on 15th & 10 units last day) and in each Raka'ah recites Surah Al Faatihah once, Surah Al-Ikhlaas 3 times, and Surah Al Kafiroon 3 times that Allah does forgive them their sins and bestows rewards upon them as upon a person who has fasted a whole month. He becomes among those who will be steadfast in their salaat in the year which is to come. For him the deeds of the day is equal to that of the martyr. He will be raised with the Martyrs of the Holy Battle of Badr. For him is written for the fast of each day, one year's worship. His station is raised 1000 times higher.

If he fasts the entire month of Rajab and he performs this (Above) Salaat, Allah will give him salvation from the Hell Fire, make Waajib for him, His Paradise and bestow His Nearness upon him. Hadrat Jibreel informed me "O Muhammad this is the sign between you and the Mushrikeen (Polytheists) and the Munaafiqeen (Hypocrites) because the Munafiq does not perform this Salaat."

10 Raka'ah on the first of it (month of Rajab) and in each Raka'ah recite Surah Al-Faatihah once, Surah Al Ikhlaas thrice and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice and after you do your Salaam (at the end of each 2 units) raise your hands and say:

لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْدَهُ لا شَرِيكَ لَهُ،لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ،يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ،

وَهُوَ حَيٌّ لا يَمُوتُ،بِيَدِهِ الْخَيْرُ،وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ.la ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la shareka lahu, lahu almulku wa lahu alhamdu,yuhye wa yumetu,wa huwa hayyun la yamutu,biyadihi alkhayruwa huwa `ala kull shay‘in qaderun.There is no god save Allah, alone without any partner.To him is the kingdom and to Him is all praise.He gives life and causes to diewhile He is Ever-living and never dies.In His hand is the goodand He has power over all things.

"There is no God but Allah, The One Who has no partners. To Him belongs all His kingdom and all the praise, Who created life and death and Who is Alive without Death. From His hands (only) good is done and Who has Power over everything.

The following invocation should be said thereafter:

O Allah: verily, none can ever divest him whom You decide to give;and none can ever give him whom You decide to deprive, and nothing can ever stop that which You decide.allahumma la mani`a lima a`taytawa la mu`tiya lima mana`ta wa la yanfa`u dhaljadd minka aljaddاللّهُمَّ لا مَانِعَ لِمَا أَعْطَيْتَ، وَلا مُعْطِيَ لِمَا مَنَعْتَ، وَلا يَنْفَعُ ذَا الْجَدِّ مِنْكَ الْجَدَّ.

Dearest Allah, no one can stop what You bestow and no one can give what You prevent. There is no one who can profit us except You the August among all. "Then spread your hands over your face.In the middle of the month 15 Rajab perform similar 10 Raka'ah and in each Raka'ah recite Surah Al Faatihah once, Surah Al Ikhlaas thrice, and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice and after you do your salaam (at the end of each 2 units) raise your hands towards the heavens and say:

لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْدَهُ لا شَرِيكَ لَهُ،لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ،

يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ،وَهُوَ حَيٌّ لا يَمُوتُ،بِيَدِهِ الْخَيْرُ،وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ.la ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la shareka lahu, There is no god save Allah, alone without any partner.

lahu almulku wa lahu alhamdu,To him is the kingdom and to Him is all praise.

yuhye wa yumetu,He gives life and causes to die

wa huwa hayyun la yamutu,while He is Ever-living and never dies.

biyadihi alkhayruIn His hand is the good

wa huwa `ala kull shay‘in qaderun.and He has power over all things.

Then recite:-

The Lord Who is One, One and Only, Singular, and Besought by the all. ilahan wahidan ahadan fardan samadanإلهاً وَاحِداً أَحَداً فَرْداً صَمَداً، لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ صَاحِبَةً وَلا وَلَداً.

He has betaken neither a wife nor a son.lam yattakhidh sahibatan wa la waladan

Then spread your hands over your faceAt the end of the month, similar 10 Raka'ah. In every Raka'ah recite Surah Al Faatihah one, Surah Al Ikhlaas thrice and Surah Al Kafiroon thrice. After you do your salaam, raise your hand towards the heaven and say:

لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحْدَهُ لا شَرِيكَ لَهُ،لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ،يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ،

وَهُوَ حَيٌّ لا يَمُوتُ،بِيَدِهِ الْخَيْرُ،وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ.la ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la shareka lahu, There is no god save Allah, alone without any partner.

lahu almulku wa lahu alhamdu,To him is the kingdom and to Him is all praise.

yuhye wa yumetu,He gives life and causes to die

wa huwa hayyun la yamutu,while He is Ever-living and never dies.

biyadihi alkhayruIn His hand is the good

wa huwa `ala kull shay‘in qaderun.and He has power over all things.

Then recite

May Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and upon his Family, the Immaculate. wa salla allahu `ala muhammadin wa alihi alttahirena,وَصَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِهِ الطَّاهِرِينَ،

There is neither might nor power save with Allah, the Most High, the All-great.wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi al`aliyy al`a¨emiوَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إلاّ بِاللّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيمِ.

And the blessing of Allah be upon the Master Muhammad and upon his pure progeny and there is no power greater than that of Allah Who is the Greatest in Might.Then, one should pass the hands over the face and submit his requests Your Supplication will be accepted and Allah will create 70 trenches between you and the Hell fire, the distance between each trench will be like it is between Heaven and Earth and written for you will be freedom from Fire of Hell, and from crossing the Bridge of Siraat."

When the Prophet (saw) had finished, I fell down in prostration, weeping out of gratitude towards Allah for the abundance of the rewards.

Note:~ Salat is in pairs of 2 Raka'ah, doing the salaam after each pair. This way we do 10 Raka'ah in 5 pairs and the supplication after the salaam of the fifth pair. Allah and his beloved know the best, (Ghuniyatut Talibeen, Tarteeb Shareef Page 756 - 770).

Istighfar. The Holy Prophet (saww) has said, "Rajab is the month for seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (swt)".

Sadaqah. Giving `Sadaqah' (charity/alms) is also highly recommended



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