Merits of Hazrat Fatimah's Tasbih(P2)

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Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says: “One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) at the time of going to bed, he will be accounted amongst those who have remembered Allah a lot.” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1026)

In the book ‘Wasaaelush Shia’ there is a tradition from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) which says that at the time of going to bed, Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and then Maoozatain (Surah Falaq and Surah Naas) and Ayatul Kursi should be recited.

Teaching the recitation of Tasbih to the children


In this connection, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says:


“O Abu Haroon! We order our children to recite the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) in the same manner as we order them for the performance of Namaz” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 343)


Reciting Tasbih made out of the Turbah of grave of Imam Hussein (a.s):


It is better that the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) be made of the pure Turbah (soil) of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s)


It has been narrated from Imame Zaman (a.s): “ One who just holds the Tasbih made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s) and does not do any dhikr, even then for him will be written the reward of having recited the Azkaar” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1033)


Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says:


“One dhikr or Isteghfaar recited on the Tasbih made out of the soil of the grave of Imam Hussein (a.s) is equal to 70 such dhikr recited on any other thing.” (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1033)


Some noteworthy points:


1. One of the conditions of worship, rather the most important of them all, is being attentive in its performance. This is specially so in the recitation of Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a).


2. There should be continuity in the recitation of the Tasbih without any interruptions. This has been the practice of our holy Imams (a.s) (Al- Kaafi, Kitaabus Salaat, Pg. 343)


1. In case one has a doubt regarding the number of Azkaar that he has recited, then he should start again. This is according to a tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s) (Al- Kaafi, Kitaabus Salaat, Pg. 342)


Thus, by the grace of Allah and the blessings of Imam Mahdi (a.s), we have come to realize the importance of reciting Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and its merits. We pray to Allah to grant us the Taufeeq that we may be regular in its recitation.



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