Fatima- Part 3

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Fatima- Part 3

Shafaqna (Shia International News Association)--Part 3

Chapter 2

The Virtues of Siddiqa

(Arabic) [1]

Many men have attained spiritual perfection, but amongst women, none have attained this position except Maryam, Asiya (the wife of Fir’awn), Khadija (daughter of Khuwaylid and Fatima I, daughter of Muhammad -.


Her Virtues and Etiquette

Fatima I was a well-mannered, knowledgeable, truthful and chaste lady.

Ibn ‘Abbas narrates from Umm Salma that:

“The Messenger of God married me and entrusted me with the upbringing and training of his daughter. But, I swear by God that I found her more courteous than me and more knowledgeable in every affair.” [2]

It is narrated from Zubayr that:

“Whenever Fatima I daughter of the Prophet - was mentioned in the presence of ‘Ayisha, she would say, “I never met anyone more truthful than her except her father.” [3]

It has also been narrated by Fatima I that:

“When the verse ( لا تَجْعَلُوا دُعَاء الرَّسُولِ بَيْنَكُمْ كَدُعَاء بَعْضِكُم بَعْضًا ) [4] was revealed, I was embarrassed to call the Prophet -, “father”, so I used to address him as, “O Messenger of God”, until he said to me, “O daughter, this verse has not been revealed for you and your family. You and I are as one. This verse was revealed for the faithless, rude and haughty. Call me “father”, for I prefer it and God is more pleased with that.” [5]

Anas b. Malik narrates:

“The Messenger of God - asked us, “What is most preferable for women?” We did not know what to reply, so Ali - went to Fatima I and asked her this question. She said, “Why did you not answer that the it is most preferable for them that they do not see men and men do not see them.” Ali - returned and related this reply to the Prophet -. He asked, “Who has taught you this?” He said, “Fatima.” The Prophet - stated, “She is (truly) a part of me.” [6]

It has also been narrated that:

“A blind man came to Fatima I and she veiled herself from him. The Prophet - asked her why she had done so, when he could not see her. She replied, “O Messenger of God, he does not see me, but I can see him and (furthermore) he can smell fragrances.” The Prophet - stated, “I bear witness that you are a portion of me.” [7]

And finally, the Commander of the Faithful C, states about his married life, albeit brief, with Fatima I that:

“I swear by God, until the day she departed this world, I never angered her, and was never reluctant to do any work (for her), and she likewise never angered me, nor disobeyed me. Whenever I gazed at her, all sorrow and grief would leave my heart.” [8]


Her Worship

In the words of Hasan al-Basri:

“There was no one in this community who worshipped more than Fatima I. She would stand up in prayer for so long that her feet would become swollen.” [9]

Imam al-Hasan C used to recall about his mother that:

“I would observe my mother Fatima I praying on Thursday nights. She would be constantly engaged in bowing and prostration until the dawn broke; I would hear her praying for the faithful men and women, mentioning each one by name. She would pray a great deal for them but not ask anything for herself. So I said to her, “Mother, why do you not ask anything for yourself the way you ask for others?” She said, “My dear son, first the neighbours, then the household.” [10]

Daylami narrates that:

“During her prayers, my lady Fatima I would have trouble breathing normally due to her awe of God.” [11]

Truly, in her worship, Fatima I was at the level described by the Messenger of God - to Salman:

“God has filled the heart and limbs of my daughter Fatima with such a high degree of certainty and faith, that she has made herself totally subservient to Him.” [12]

Ibn ‘Abbas narrates from the Prophet - that he stated:

“My daughter Fatima is the foremost of all the women of the world, past and future. She is a portion of me, the light of my eyes, the fruit of my heart and a spirit that resides in my body. She is a celestial creature in the form of a human being and whenever she stands in prayer in front of God, her radiance shines forth to the angels in the heavens in the same manner that the radiance of the stars is observed by the inhabitants of the earth. At that time, God says to His angels, “O my angels! Look at my bondswoman Fatima, the foremost of women; she stands in front of Me, and her limbs tremble in fear of Me, and she has turned her attention to My worship with all her heart. Be witness that that I have granted her followers amnesty from the fire of hell.” [13]


Her Austerity

The world in the eyes of Fatima I was trivial and insignificant except that portion of it that brought her close to God.

“When Fatima I came to the house of Ali -, her bed was a piece of goatskin leather and when they wanted to go to sleep, they would lay it out and sleep on it. Her pillow was similarly made of goatskin and filled with date-palm leaves.” [14]

Fatima I was never distressed by this basic lifestyle. She lived so simply that it would even move the Prophet -. It has been narrated from Abu Bakr that:

“When we placed the trousseau of Fatima in front of the Prophet - and he examined the items, tears came to his eyes. Then, he raised his head to the heavens and said, “O God! Bless this house, in which most of the vessels are made of simple clay.”

However, the Prophet - preferred this lifestyle for his daughter. Asma’ b. ‘Umays narrates:

“I was with Fatima I when the Prophet - entered. She was wearing a necklace of gold, which Ali b. Abu Talib - had bought for her from his share of war booty. The Prophet - remarked to her, “Fatima, God forbid that the people say that Fatima, daughter of the Prophet - dresses as the arrogant ones do.” On hearing this, Fatima I removed the necklace and sold it. With the money that she received in return, she bought a slave and freed him, and this action delighted the Prophet -.” [15]

It is narrated from Ali b. Abu Talib C that:

“Fatima was my wife and the most beloved person to the Prophet -, yet she worked so hard carrying water from the well that her chest was bruised, and worked so hard with the hand-mill to make flour that her hands were calloused and she swept the house so painstakingly that her clothes become dusty and worked at the cooking fire so long that her clothes turned black, and these activities took their toll on her. I said to her, “Perhaps you should go to your father and ask him to assign for you a servant to help you with your work.” Fatima I came to the Prophet - but found him occupied and she was reluctant to interrupt him, so she returned home. The Prophet - realised that she had come for a reason, so the next day, he came early to the door of our house, while we were still in bed, and stated, “Salaams to you, O people in bed!” We were embarrassed and remained silent. He repeated his greeting, and again we remained silent. He repeated the greeting once again, and we were afraid that if we did not reply this time he would depart, because it was his habit to greet the inmates of the house three times, and if he did not receive an invitation to enter, he would go away. So, I said, “Salaam to you also, O Messenger of God! Welcome.” Then he came in and silently sat at our side. Then he asked, “Fatima, did you have some work with me yesterday?” So I said, “O Messenger of God! Fatima works so hard at drawing water from the well that her chest is bruised, her hands are blistered from constantly making the flour, her clothes are dusty from sweeping the house and blackened from the cooking-fire. I told her to come to you to ask for a servant to help her with these chores.” The Prophet - stated, “Do you desire that I teach you something that will be better for you than a servant?” When you go to bed, glorify God 33 times (utter subhanallah), praise God 33 times (utter alhamdulillah) and extol God 34 times (utter Allahu Akbar).” Then Fatima I said, “I am satisfied with God and His Prophet -. I am satisfied with God and His Prophet -. I am satisfied with God and His Prophet -.” [16]

The fact that Fatima I experienced great hardship from her chores and requested a servant from the Prophet -, whereupon he taught her this method of glorification (tasbih), is found in many narrations, from both Shi’a and Sunni sources.

Ibn abi’l Hadid narrates in his Sharh Nahj al-Balagha:

It has been narrated in sound traditions that the Prophet - would ties a stone on his stomach due to hunger, and that his family would never eat meat to their fill, and that Fatima and her husband and their children would eat bread made of barley, and that one day they gave away to a beggar four loaves of bread which they had prepared for breaking their fast, and went to sleep hungry. [17]

Jabir b. ‘Abdullah al-Ansari narrates:

One day the Prophet - saw Fatima I wearing a cloak made of camel skin while grinding corn to make flour. Tears came to his eyes and he stated, “Fatima, in order to gain the bounties of the hereafter, be patient with the hardships of this world.” [18]


Her Love

From her childhood, Fatima I displayed great love and compassion. After the death of Abu Talib;

“One day, Nadr b. Harith and ‘Uqba b. Abu Mu’it and ‘Umru b. al-’As took some entrails of a camel and threw them over the Prophet - while he was in prostration next to the Ka’ba. The foul contents stained the head and face of the Prophet -, who did not raise his head from his prostration. He wept and invoked God’s curse on them. His daughter Fatima I (who was a young child at the time) came to him with tears in her eyes and removed the entrails from her father and threw them away. Then, she stood next to him, weeping.” [19]

The Commander of the Faithful C narrates:

“I was with the Prophet - busy with the digging of the trench (Khandaq) when Fatima I came by with some bread and gave it to the Prophet -. He asked, “What is this?” She said, “I had baked some bread for Hasan and Husain and I brought some of it for you.” The Prophet - stated, “This is the first food that your father has eaten in three days.” [20]

By keeping in mind that the distance between Fatima’s I house and the trench of Khandaq was several kilometres, the extent of her care and concern can be appreciated.

Ibn Athir has narrated that:

“On the day of Uhud, the Messenger of God - fought hard. He shot so many arrows that his arrows were depleted, his bowstring tore and his bow broke. When he became injured, Ali C brought water in his shield from a small pool and washed his wounds. However, the blood would not stop. Fatima I came and cradled him, in tears. Then she burnt some matting and rubbed its ashes over the wound and the blood was staunched.” [21]

Ibn abi’l Hadid describes this episode in the following words:

“Fatima I, accompanied by a group of women, came out to the battlefront of Uhud. She saw the injury that her father had sustained to his face, so she embraced him and washed the blood off his face. The Prophet - stated, “God was angered by a community who caused blood to flow from the face of His Messenger -.” Then Ali brought some water from a small pool in his shield…And Fatima I washed the blood from her father’s face with that water… fourteen women had come from Madina to attend to the soldiers. They carried bread and water on their backs and gave water to the injured and treated their injuries, and Fatima I was one of them.” [22]

Abu Ayyub al-Ansari narrates:

“One day, the Prophet - fell ill. Fatima I came to visit him when he was still not fully recovered. On seeing him so unwell and weak, she burst out crying and tears rolled down her cheeks.” [23]

Abu Tha’laba narrates:

“Whenever the Prophet - would return from a battle or a journey, he would first go to the mosque and offer two units of prayers. Then, he would go to Fatima I, and only then would he go to see his wives. One day, when he was returned from the mosque, Fatima I came out to welcome him at the doorway of her house, and kissed his eyes and face with tears in her eyes. The Prophet - asked, “Fatima, why do you weep?” She answered, “How can I not, when I see you exhausted and pale, and your clothes ragged?” [24]

It has been narrated from Imam al-Husain C that:

“Fatima I daughter of the Prophet - would visit the grave of her uncle, Hamza every Friday. She would pray next to his grave and mourn for him.” [25]

When Ja’far b. Abu Talib was martyred, the Prophet - instructed Fatima I to prepare food for three days for Asma’ b. ‘Umays. For three days she would go to Asma’ and console her. And from this event, it became a recommended practice (sunna) to prepare food for the bereaved for three days. [26]



[1] Zamakhshari, Al-Kashshaf fi tafsiri’l Qur’an, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, vol. 4, p. 573. It is obvious that the perfection meant here is that which the Prophets and Messengers possessed.

[2] Musnad, p 14, tradition 1, quoting from Dala’il al-Imama of Abu Jafar Tabari.

[3] Musnad, p 34, tradition 37, quoting from Mustadrak al-Sahihain.

[4] “Make not the calling of the messenger among you as your calling one of another” Sura al-Nur 24/63.

[5] Musnad, p 529, tradition 4, quoting from al-Manaqib of Ibn Maghazali.

[6] Musnad, p 336, tradition 9, narrated by Hafiz abu Naim in Hilyatu’l awliya’.

[7] Musnad, p 336, tradition 10, quoting from al-Manaqib of Ibn Maghazali.

[8] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 134.

[9] Musnad, p 50, tradition 16, quoting from al-Manaqib Al Abi Talib of Ibn Shahr al-Ashub.

[10] Musnad, p 89, tradition 3, quoting from Dala’il al-Imama of Tabari.

[11] Musnad, p 92, tradition 8, quoting from Alam al-din Daylami.

[12] Musnad, p 71, tradition 2, quoting from Ibn Hamzah Tusi in al-Thaqib fi’l Manaqib.

[13] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 43, p. 172.

[14] Musnad, p 36, tradition 1, quoting from Qurb al-Isnad of Humayri.

[15] Kashf al-Ghamma of Ardabeli, vol. 1, p. 359.

[16] Musnad, p 37, tradition 4, quoting from Ilal al-Sharayi of Shaykh al-Saduq.

[17] Musnad, p 69, tradition 43.

[18] Sayyid Hashim Rasuli Mahallati, Zindagi-ye Hadrat Fatima I, p. 71, quoting from Fadl al-Husain bin Ahmad.

[19] Musnad, p 16, tradition 3, quoting from Sharh Nahj al-Balagha of Ibn abi’l Hadid. Similar traditions have been quoted

by both Muslim and Bukhari in their collections.

[20] Musnad, p 29, tradition 6, quoting from Uyun Akhbar al-Rida of Shaykh al-Saduq.

[21] Musnad, p 137, tradition 69, quoting from Kamal al-Tawarikh.

[22] Musnad, p 141, tradition 79, quoting from Sharh Nahj al-Balagha.

[23] Musnad, p 95, tradition 2, quoting from al-Khisal of Shaykh al-Saduq and al-Amali of Shaykh Tusi.

[24] Musnad, p 138, tradition 72, quoting from al-Mustadrak al-Sahihain of Hakim Nishaburi.

[25] Musnad, p 64, tradition 34, quoting from al-Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi.

[26] Musnad, p 145, tradition 2, quoting from al-Mahasin of Bar



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