The Virtue of the Month of Rajab (1)

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As you know the blessed month of Rajab has started. It is the first of the four sacred months of the Islamic Calendar, and has its own special virtues, since in this month the gates of divine mercy are opened for the believers.


The following is Part One of a special article in this regard titled The Virtues of Rajab. We will present you some of the observations that could be recited throughout this month without attachment to any specific date.


It should be known that the month of Rajab, along with the following two months of Sha’ban and Ramadhan, have an absolute excellence and there are many hadith which mention their virtues. Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) is reported to have said that “Rajab is the great month of Allah. No other month equals it in sanctity and merit. During this month fighting against the infidels is prohibited. Indeed Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha’ban is my month, and Ramadhan is the month of my ummah. Surely, whoever fasts a day of Rajab secures Allah’s greatest pleasure, distances himself from the wrath of Allah, and one of the gates of hell is shut closed for him.” It is related from the Prophet’s 7th Infallible Successor, Imam Musa Kazem (AS) “For those who fast a day of Rajab, the fire of hell recedes from them a distance of a year’s journey. And whoever fasts three days of Rajab is certain to enter Paradise.”


In another narration, the same Imam said, “Rajab is a river in paradise, much whiter than milk and much sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts a day of Rajab, will be given a drink from that river by Allah, the Almighty and Glorious.” Imam Ja’far as-Sadeq (AS) is reported to have quoted the Prophet as saying: “Rajab is the month of istighfar (or seeking forgiveness) for my ummah. Therefore, plead for God’s forgiveness often during this month, for Allah is All-Forgiving and All-Merciful.”


The famous Iranian Islamic scholar Shaikh Sadouq, who lived over a thousand years ago, has reported on reliable authority from the Prophet’s 6th Infallible Heir, Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS) that “Allah has exalted this month and given it a stupendous sanctity, taking it upon Himself to honour those who fast it. And whoever fasts a single day of the latter part of Rajab it will save him from the severity of the throes of death, from the horrors encountered after death, and from the torments of the grave. Whoever fasts two days of the latter part of this month will cross over the Sirat (or the bridge over hell) with ease. And whoever fasts three days of the latter part of this month will be secure from the terrors and calamities of the Day of the greatest terror and will be granted immunity from hell.”


Once when Imam Sadeq (AS) was asked by person for a supplication to God for this month, he answered: “Write down, In the Name of Allah the All-Beneficent and the All-Merciful, and make this supplication every day during Rajab, morning and evening, after the daily and nightly prayers:


“O You from whom I expect every good, and seek safety from Your displeasure in the face of every evil!


“O You Who give abundantly for that which is trivial!


“O You Who grant to whomever requests You.


“O You Who, out of Your compassion and mercy, give also to those who neither ask You nor know You,


“Grant me, for my petition to You, all the good of the world and all the good of the Hereafter! Save me, through my petition to You, from all the evils of the world and the Hereafter, for what You grant is never deficient, and enhance me out of You grace, O All-Munificent!’ ”


The narrator says, “As the Imam recited this supplication in an entreating manner, he gently held his beard with his left hand while moving the index finger of his right hand. Then he added, “O Majestic and Munificent! O All-Generous Bestower of blessings, O Dispenser of fa-vours and bounties, save my grey hair from the Fire!”


The Prophet is also reported have said that God Almighty grants the reward of a hundred thousand good deeds to those who say la ilaha il-Allah (or there is no god but Allah) a thousand times during the month of Rajab and He shall build for them a hundred cities in paradise. It has been narrated that someone who says during the month of Rajab Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayh seventy times in the morning and seventy times in the evening and thereafter raising his hands says Allahum∙magh∙fir li wa tub alayya, should he die during Rajab, God shall be pleased with him and hellfire shall not touch him due to the blessings of Rajab. The Prophet is also reported to have said that God Almighty shall forgive all the sins of someone who offers ten raka’ah of the ritual prayer during one of the nights of Rajab, reciting al-Hamd and Surah Kafirun once and Surah Towheed thrice in each raka’ah.


The scholar Allamah Majlisi has written in his book Zad al-Ma’ad that it is reported on the authority of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) that Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) said God Almighty shall forgive all the sins of one who performs the following observances every day and night throughout the months of Rajab, Sha’ban and Ramadhan, even if those sins are as numerous as the drops of rain and the leaves of the trees and as enormous as the ocean’s froth. In this observance each of the following is recited thrice: al-Hamd, Ayat al-Kursi, the Surahs Kafirun, Towheed, Falaq, and Naas. Then,say thrice, Subhan-Allah, wal-hamdu lillah, wa la ilaha il-Allah wa-Allah-o Akbar, wa la howla wala quwatta illah billah (Glory be to Allah, All Praise belongs to Allah, there is no god except Allah, and Allah is Greater; there is no power or force except what derives from Allah, the Exalted and Almighty). Then say each of the following thrice. Allahumma salle ala Mohammadin wa aal-e Mohammad (O Allah, bless Mohammad and the Progeny of Mohammad). Allahmum-maghfir-lil-momineen-wa’l-moninaat (O Allah, forgive the faithful, men and women). Thereafter say four hundred times Ashtaghfirullah wa atubu ilayh (I plead to Allah for forgiveness, and turn to Him penitently).


Thanks for listening dear friends, and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for the 2nd and concluding part of the Virtues of Rajab in which we will present you the observations for the specific days of this blessed months and the reward that God grants to those sincerely observing them.


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