“Salafi, Jihadi, Takfiri mainstreams” published

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“Salafi, Jihadi, Takfiri mainstreams” published

Book by Iranian author details the international crisis spread across the Middle East and Northern African countries.
“Salafi, Jihadi, Takfiri mainstreams” is the title for the latest book by Iranian author which has a historical and analytic view on the origins and factors behind expansion of extremist Takfiri (excommunication) and Salafi groups, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

This book is written by Abdullah Alibakhshi, in three sections with the first section on history behind the birth and formation of Salafi movement, concept and shared principles of Salafi groups and also prominent figures of the movement.

The second section of the book is an introduction on different movements and subcategories for Salafi group while the last section analyzes the formation of these groups, role of Iraq and Syria crisis on changes to Takfiri groups and also analysis of the propaganda tools among ISIL and Al Nusra.

In view of the author, what has appeared in the form of Takfiri groups has risen from a political and historical process and to know the current or future situation of the movement is impossible without a knowledge of the history and hidden layers of that.

The foreword for the book details that the collapse of Islamic government and consequently wide cultural, political and economic invasion of the colonial powers as the factor behind stemming of the Islamic identity of the Sunni community, looting of the material and spiritual assets and also undermining the honor and glory of Muslim countries.

The introduction adds that the plight has led to expansion of poverty, cultural invasion and mustiness of Muslims.

According to the book some pro-western Muslim politicians have proposed the theories on expansion of culture and civilization of the west while another group refer to the golden era of Islam and voice their support for a revival of the previous era calling that as the sole way to rescue Muslims from current crisis.

Theory of return to predecessors (Salaf), was immediately welcome by a group of revolutionary youngsters in the Islamic countries which led to formation of dozens of Salafi movements, organizations and groups across the world.


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