The Biography of Hazrat Zainab bint Khozaimeh

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Jenab Zainab bint Khozaimeh bin Hareth bin Abdullah bin Omrao bin abd Manaf bin Hilal bin Amer bin Sa'sae 'eh Ameri was the fifth Qureishi wife of the Holy Prophet of Islam (AS) (1). Bin Habib Baghdadi names her maternal brothers and sisters as : Ummul Fazl Lababeh Kobra bint Hareth, the wife of Abbas the Prophet's uncle and the mother of Ibn Abbas , Lababeh Soghra the wife of Khalid bin Moghaira and mother of Khaled bin Walid Moghaira and Ozzeh bint Hareth. (2) The names of the maternal sisters of Zainab bint Khozayme are mentioned as Maimoona bint Hareth, Asma bint Omaith the wife of Jafar Bin Abu Talib and Salammeh (Salmi) bint Omais the wife of Hamzeh bin Abdul Mutalleb.(3)


Zainab's life before her marriage to the Prophet (SAW):

It is well known that Zainab bint Khozayme was born thirteen years before the Prophethood of Mohammad (SAW). Commentators have written that she was married to Abdullah bin Hajash who was martyred in the battle of Uhud before she married the Prophet (SAW).

Some historians claim that she was the wife of Tafil bin Hareth and was divorced by him and remarried his brother Obaideh bin Hareth who was martyred either in the battle of Uhud and Badr.

After the loss of her husband she was very upset as she had migrated from Mecca to Medina and felt all alone after his martyrdom.


Her marriage to the Prophet of God (SAW)


Sometime, after the martyrdom of her husband, the Prophet of God (SAW) proposed to Jenabe Zainab bint Khozayme (4). As she had no one to look after her in Medina and as she found him the best of guardians she accepted his proposal.

The Prophet (SAW) called forth witnesses (5) and married her (6) with four hundred dirhams dower which he paid her on the spot and she got a room similar to the rooms of the other prophet's wives.

This marriage took place twenty days after his marriage to Hafsa the daughter of Omar bin Khatab (7) in Ramadhan of the 3rd year and the 31st month of Hijrat (8). Some historians believe that this marriage took place seven years after the death of Hazrat Khadijeh (AS) (9) .

The generosity of Ummul Mo'meneen Jenabe Zainab bint Khozayme and her title of Ummul Masakeen or the mother of the poor:


Jenab Zainab bint Khozaime was known as the mother of the poor as she was very kind and giving to the weak (10). Ofcourse, she was called by this title even during the age of ignorance and was renown by these humane qualities (11) and after the advent of Islam and her conversion to the same she was always helping the poor and the needy. One of the historians have said that as she gave away a lot in charity and fed the poor and was very kind she was known as" Ummul Masakeen or mother of the poor."


Her untimely death resulted in pre mature separation from the Prophet (SAW).


Maybe, it was due to her untimely and early death that she is not very well known. She died during the Prophet's lifetime and many historians have not mentioned her or even acknowledged her.


Some historians have claimed her death to be eight months after her marriage to the Prohet (SAW) on Rabbul Thanbi of the fourth year of Hijri (12) and others have claimed her nuptial life to be two or three months with the prophet (SAW) (13), hence she is one of the few wives of the Prophet (SAW) who has not quoted any narrations from the prophet (SAW).

Ummul Mo'meneen Jenabe Zainab bint Khovailid passed away in the young age of thirty in Medina. (14). The Prophet of God (SAW) performed her funeral rites and last prayers and buried her in Jannat ul Baqih (15). Jenabe Zainab bint Khozayme and Hazrat khadije were the only two wives who passed away during the Prophet's lifetime and she also was his first wife to be buried in Medina.





1. Bin AbdulBar Alstiaab, researched by Ali Mohammad Aljavi, Beirut, first publication 1991, 4th volume, page no. 1953.


2. Al Istiaab, vol. 4, page. 1853.

3. Ibn Habib Baghdadi, AlMahbar, Research Eelze Likhtan Shetir, Beirut, Dar ul Afagh al Jadid, Bita, pg. 106-109.

4. Tarikh Tabarii Pishin, Vol.11, Pg. 596, and Bin Asaker, History of Damascus,

Beirut, Dar ul Fekr, First print, 1415, Vol. 3, Pg. 206.

5. Tabakhit al Kobra pg. 19

6. Al-seerut ul Nabavia Vol2, pg. 648

7.Ibn Qeteebeh, AlMu'aref, Research of riches of Akasheh, Cairo, Al Hayatul Mesriye Al Ameh, 2nd Print 1993.

8- Tabaghat ul Kobra, Pishin, Pg. 91, Zahbi Islamic History.

9-Alstiyab, Vol.1, Pg.46.

10. Bin Hesham, Al Siratul Nabaviyeh, Research of Mostafa Al Saqqa, Beirut, B.Ta, 2nd volume, pg. 648.

11. Tabaqat Alkubra, Pishin, pg. 91.

12.Nahayatul Rab, Pishin, pg. 178.

13.History of Khalifeh, Reseach of Fuaz, Beirut, Daul Koto Alelmiyeh, first print, 1995, Pg. 27.

14. Al Muntazam, Pg. 210, Tabaghatul Kobra Pishin, Pg. 92.

15. Tarikh ul Tabari, Vol 11, Pg. 596.



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