A Journey from Darkness to Light with Hajj

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A Journey from Darkness to Light with Hajj

The Great God is always with us, at every moment and in every secret of hearts and minds. But sins and worldly attachments, like thick and dark curtains, cover this pure and infinite truth from the eyes of our hearts. In fact, it is human selfishness and errors that hide this closeness and challenge the awareness of this truth in the depths of the heart.


To escape from the fences, one must distance oneself. This is a profound invitation that warns man that he can only reach the truth if he passes beyond everything he knows himself to be. Migration does not only mean leaving a place, but also leaving thoughts, attachments, and even false identities. In this spiritual journey, man must pass beyond material and worldly desires, must be freed from his selfishness and illusions, and immerse himself in the endless light of God.


Migration to God;

Islam, by depicting the migration to God as a journey to the House of God, places this meaning very clearly before our eyes. The Kaaba is not just a stone building, but a symbol of the collective journey of humans towards the truth that lies within their entire being. During the Hajj season, a person does not just go to a specific place, but also embarks on an inner journey in which they can achieve peace, truth and liberation.


In this path, the Hajj is like a window that allows a person to approach “step by step until meeting God.” The journey to God, as stated in the Quran, is a flight from other than God to Him. Flight to God means liberation from all that separates us from the truth. God is present everywhere and at every moment, and this journey frees man from his inner bonds and from the material worlds and leads him towards the eternal light.


The days of Hajj are like a period of purification in which man is cleansed of all the rust of sin and internal impurities. Hajj is a rebirth, a birth that transports man from the world of matter to the world of meaning. In this journey, every step taken takes man away from self-centeredness and worldly attachments and brings him as close as possible to the truth.


It is as if man is moving towards the divine light on this path, a light that shines from the heart of the Kaaba and from every corner of the world of existence. This light cleanses man of all the ugliness and internal impurities and takes him to a place where he is as if he had just been born from his mother.


Hajj, an opportunity to get rid of sins: Divine light and return to the origin of existence


That is why it has been said: “People are obliged to go on pilgrimage to the House of God, before the divine light of Hajj disappears from them by being contaminated with sin.” Hajj is an opportunity that should not be missed. At this special time, man can be freed from all filth and sins and reach his most luminous state. But if this precious opportunity is ignored, the divine light that shines on the heart of man from this journey may be extinguished and man may once again remain trapped in the dark layers of the soul.


Hajj is more than an outward journey, it is an inner journey. This journey is a path of spiritual transformation and development, where man must separate himself from everything that distances him from God and seek Him alone. In this journey, every step towards God frees man from all the dark corners of the soul and leads him to a transcendent truth. This journey is not only about liberation from sins, but also about reaching the truth that lies within every human being: closeness to God, the only truth to which every search returns.

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