Hajj is one of the obligations that our Lord has made for us, but what is the real reason for it?
Why should we go to Hajj, why should we perform difficult and exhausting acts during Hajj, can't we perform another act of worship instead of Hajj?
Hajj is a worship in which there are many wisdoms, such as servitude, simplicity, obedience, unity, etc.
These benefits include all material, spiritual, political, social, cultural and economic benefits; one of the wisdoms of Hajj is to examine the important issues and problems of the Islamic nation, cultural exchange, etc.
This Islamic worship, like other Islamic worships, has beneficial wisdoms that benefit the individual and society.
Here we will briefly discuss some of the wisdoms of Hajj:
The most important and beneficial wisdom of Hajj is to declare servitude and servitude to God Almighty, which is evident and clear in all acts of Hajj such as Ihram, Tawaf, Sa'i, Sacrifice, etc.
In addition, many spiritual, psychological and moral benefits accrue to the pilgrim and to the Islamic community, including:
By wearing Ihram and severing his/her dependence on material and worldly attachments, a person is freed from all harmful restrictions and dependencies and becomes ready to ascend and fly in spiritual and mystical spaces.
Muslims from all over the Islamic and non-Islamic countries gather in the Great Hajj Congress on specific days and, with unity and consensus, examine the solutions to the problems of the Muslims of the world and seek help from the great power of Muslims in resolving the problems. And they establish Islamic unity among all Muslims of the world, God willing.
The dynamics of the Muslim market and economy
Since ancient times, the Hajj season has been a good opportunity for the prosperity of Muslim merchants and the circulation of capital in the hands of merchants and the poor from the east to the west of the world.
Getting to know the works and news of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and keeping these works alive
Hisham ibn Hakam says that I asked Imam Sadiq (AS): Why has God commanded people to perform Hajj and circumambulate His House?
He said: God created humans... and commanded them to perform an act (Hajj) that includes obedience to religion and their worldly interests. During the Hajj season, Muslims gather from the East and the West to get to know each other, so that each nation can benefit from the trade and economic products of other nations, so that travelers and transporters can benefit from renting their vehicles on this journey, so that they can become familiar with the works and news of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and these works will continue to live and not be forgotten. If each nation were to speak only about its environment, they would perish, cities would be destroyed, commercial benefits would be lost, and the news and works of the Prophet would be destroyed. This is the philosophy of Hajj.