Only the Syrian people should decide the fate of Syria without foreign interference.

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Only the Syrian people should decide the fate of Syria without foreign interference.

To achieve an independent and strong government in Syria, it is necessary to end military conflicts as soon as possible, prevent terrorist acts, and begin a national dialogue with the participation of all segments of Syrian society to form an inclusive government that represents all Syrians.

Syria is an important region for the United States and Israel in terms of location. Therefore, these countries are seeking to establish military bases in this region.

The Syrian people must be careful not to be deceived by foreign enemies and elect their legitimate government with the right reason and logic and not allow foreigners, even Turkey, to interfere in the future of Syria.

Currently, Bashar al-Assad was forced to leave Syria due to political pressures, while Bashar has many supporters in this country. Therefore, the opinion of Bashar al-Assad's supporters must also be taken into account in forming a new government.

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