Leader’s viewpoint: Western conspiracy to distort Islamic Awakening

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The glorious justice-seeking and anti-oppression movements are still going on in some North African and Middle East countries. The people of countries like Yemen, Libya and Bahrain pour to the main streets and squares of the cities to declare to the arrogant and despotic rulers that the killings and tortures can not deter them from their lofty goals and that the demand for Islam and revival of human dignity are the main goals of the revolutions. On June 30, leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei during a speech to a large number of people and officials considered the current events in some North African and Middle East countries to be an indication of the Muslim nations’ attention to the blissful bounty of Islam. The leader considered the huge Islamic vigilance especially in Egypt and Tunisia to be an indication of disruption in the oppressive and humiliating balance of the westerners and the domineering rulers, adding, “A new chapter has opened in the region.”

Analyzing the behavior of the western arrogant elements, the leader described the US conspiratorial efforts as adamant and added, “However, today western arrogant powers wouldn’t like to give in to the great and undeniable fact that the regional nations have woken up, they have returned to Islam. But this is the fact. Islamic breath has blown into the Muslim countries. The US and western rulers have behaved in a way that these nations felt they had no other choice except uprising and revolution. Therefore they stepped in this path and they are going forward. These moves will certainly bear fruit.”

The futile efforts of the west in distorting revolutions from their main path and hiding the Islamic aspect of these developments are among the other issues discussed by Ayatollah Khamenei. The western arrogant powers try to undermine the Islamic nature of these popular movements and reverse the goals of revolutions through their vast media facilities.

They attempt by deceiving the revolutionary people to hijack these revolutions. The leader said, “Today all US propaganda, political and economic apparatus and some of their mercenaries in the region have become active to distort these great popular revolutions from their main path and conceal its Islamic aspect. “

Pointing to the western effort to bring to power the oppressive rulers and to deceive the regional nations, the leader added, “They try but in vain, since the nations have awakened. When a nation wakes up no one can drag it back or deceived it, the result is definite.” 14 centuries ago Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) also spoke of the great results of patience and resistance and called them as half of faith.”

The enemies of nations who are plunged in materialism consider people of the countries as their slaves and always seek to exploit them.

The Americans with the help of the Zionists and some of their allies in the region try to distort the revolutions. They have adopted various methods for leading the revolutions astray, hoping once again to dominate over these countries especially over Egypt. But we witness the vigilance and resistance of nations of Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya. The men and women of these countries do not give up campaign and they will continue until they drive the local dictators and foreign colonialists out of their countries. They have faith in the clear promises of the holy Qur’an which express that patience against difficulties leads to victory. As we read in ayah 186 of Surah Al-e- Imran:

“And if you are patient and guard (against evil), surely this is one of the affairs (which should be) determined upon.”

The leader considered the best way to counter the conspiracies of the western hegemons to be the awakening of people and officials and reiterated, “The oppressed nations are seeking dignity, the same dignity which is one of the bases of the holy Prophet’s invitation. This is exactly the Islamic movement.” In other words, the people’s adherence to Islam thwarts the enemy’s conspiracies and guarantees their dignity and grandeur.

Among the Middle East countries now Syria is going through sensitive conditions. Although this country has not had much political and economic development and the people are not satisfied, one should say the recent unrest in the country has not been in line with Islamic vigilance and against the desire of the west but the main reason of the unrest lies in provocations by the US, the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia. Regarding the uprising of the Bahraini and Yemeni people, the western governments have supported Ale-Khalifa, Ale-Saud and

Ali Abudllah Saleh while in Syria, they have subjected the government of Bashar al-Assad to a unilateral embargo. The western media and most of the west-affiliated Arab media have magnified Syria’s events.

On the one hand, the west tries, under the pretext of a secret nuclear program in Syria, to further make the UN Security Council issue more sanctions against the country. Certainly all of these pressures and threats are just a pretext and the main point is that the west is seeking to create a pro-US and pro-Zionist regime in Syria exactly at the borders of the Occupied Palestine.

Since the government of Bashar al-Assad is on the side of the resistance of Lebanon and Palestine and acts against the Zionist aggressions, it has angered the western powers.

The leader referred to the issue of Syria and said that the Americans, through efforts to create similarity between the events of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya and those of Syria, are seeking to create problems for the country which is on the front-line of resistance. Ayatollah Khamenei believes that the nature of Syria’s events is different from that of the other regional countries, for, the essence of Islamic vigilance is anti-Zionist and anti-US move while in the evens of Syria the US and Israeli meddling in strikes and killing of the security forces and people is clear. In view of Iran’s logic vis-à-vis the popular uprisings, the leader added, “We should not forget the criterion. Wherever the move is against the US and the Zionist regime, it is genuine and popular but where the slogans are to the interest of the US and the Zionists the move is a deviated one.”

Finally, Ayatollah Khamenei invited nations to vigilance and insight against the tricks of the domineering powers saying, “Everybody should be alert, all of us should be alert, nations should also be alert. They must know that the enemies’ plots are diverse and complicated. So we should place insight as our criterion.”

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