The “Historic Juncture” in Imam Khamenei’s Words

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One of the main topics addressed by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in the opening speech of the Non-Aligned Movement summit on Thursday August 30, 2012 was "Historic Juncture", as the world is moving into a new order.

A global aspect of this subject was first raised on September 9, 2010 by Imam Khamenei in a speech delivered to members of "Basij of Construction". Three months before the events that transformed the shape of North Africa and West Asia; which was named "Islamic Awakening", the leader stressed that Iran has been through ‘Historic Juncture' from the victory of the Islamic Revolution, now called the Islamic Ummah to liberate themselves from different problems such as "corrupt and dictator rulers."

In the current month of August, in a speech delivered to university professors, Imam Khamenei gave signs that "the world is entering a new stage. Global structures are changing".

These signs can be summarized as:

1-The Islamic Awakening and the unprecedented conditions in Islamic countries


2- Failed campaign by the West -led by USA- to further spread its hegemony over our region


3- Efforts to have complete domination over this sensitive region


4- Current situation in Europe and the uncertain future that has cast a shadow over the wealthy countries in Western Europe


5- The decline of USA's credibility in different area that they were the best in the world such as wealth, science, technology and military power

Here we take a look at the speeches on this particular topic by the leader in chronological order:

"Dears, our country and our nation is at a historic juncture. We have been crossing this structure for thirty years. We reached some dangerous points and crossed them; but it is not finished. This critical historic point is not exclusively related to Iran's history, it is related to the Islamic Ummah. The Islamic Ummah has been in a situation of stagnation for many centuries, it has been humiliated, it is retarded from the caravan of civilization, some or most of them has been stricken by corrupt and dictator rulers. Now the time has come for the Islamic Ummah to liberate themselves from all these problems, all these pollutions and all these constraints."-- 12/09/2010- Addressed to "Basij of Construction" members

"Another point in this regard is that our country, the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation made a great achievement. It is really impossible to describe in words the event that took place in Iran and changed the course of history. Thirty years have passed since the Revolution. After three hundred years, people will realize what a great turning point has taken place in the history of the Islamic Ummah and even the history of mankind. A great event has taken place. We have seen and experienced only a small part of it. "-- 28/09/2011- Addressed to disabled war veterans

"The world is at a historic juncture. Our dear nation, Muslim nations and the great Islamic Ummah can play a role. This is where Islam, Islamic teachings and the method of Islam can prove useful to the people of the world. This is where the Islamic Republic can establish its position as a role model for the people of the world."--12/10/2011- Addressed to people of Kermanshah

"You dear youth should know that the history of the world and the history of humanity is at a great momentous juncture today. A new era is starting throughout the world. The great and clear sign of it is the attention to Allah the Exalted, the cries for assistance from the inexhaustible source of divine power and reliance on divine revelations. Humanity has passed through the days of materialistic ideologies and schools and thought. Today neither Marxism, nor western liberal democracy, nor secular nationalism has any appeal."

"The historic juncture that I spoke about is the transition from the hegemony of this dictatorship to national freedom and the rule of spiritual and divine values. This will happen: do not consider discount it." --30/01/2012- Addressed to participants of "Islamic Awakening and Youth Conference"

"The world is currently in a state of change. Global structures are changing. If we wanted to find a parallel for current conditions of the world in the recent past - in the past couple of centuries - the conditions of the world after the first world war would be a good parallel. Of course, change is happening in the opposite direction. ...The transformations that can be witnessed today are of this nature, a change in the general structure of the world. Of course, the change that is taking place is happening in the opposite direction, in the direction of a balance between the powers and general capabilities of the east and those of the west or between one group of nations and the rest of the nations. "-- 12/08/2012- Addressed to university professors

"Of course, the world of Islam is faced with unprecedented issues at this stage. The developments that have taken place in the world of Islam are amazing events that will determine the future path of the Islamic Ummah. So far, the regional nations have managed to accomplish great achievements and their government officials have also adopted appropriate measures. I hope that they continue in the same way and that the enemies of the Islamic Ummah - who make their machinations more complex on a daily basis and step into this arena from all sides with all their power - do not succeed in overcoming the Islamic Ummah. And by Allah's favor, they will not manage to overcome us. A new era has started. A new situation has emerged in the world of Islam and hopefully this situation will gradually affect the life of all nations of the world."--19/08.2012- Eid ul-Fitr Prayers Sermons

Today, during an inaugural speech to the 16th NAM summit in Tehran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei assured that the world is in transition towards a new international order, in which the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) should play a new role.

His Eminence iterated that "The striking events we have witnessed over the past three decades clearly show that the emergence of new powers has coincided with the decline of the traditional powers. This gradual transition of power provides the non-aligned countries with an opportunity to play a significant and worthy role on the world stage and prepare the ground for a just and truly participatory global management," by that referring to the decline of the US's credibility in the different areas they had monopolized such as wealth, science, technology and military power.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei guaranteed that, the structure of the US and its allies has become obsolete, it is a flagrant form of dictatorship whose expiry date has expired.


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