Happy ending to Iraq’s political crisis

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Happy ending to Iraq’s political crisis

Without any doubt, the resignation of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was a major development in ending the political crisis in Iraq. According to Iran Daily, Maliki, who heads the State of Law coalition which won a plurality of Iraqi seats in the April elections, said that he stepped down in favor of his rival Haider al-Abadi after two terms in office.

He made the decision while his Shiite coalition has 103 seats in the parliament.
However, in recent days new parliamentary coalitions were set up that pushed President Fouad Massoum to ask Abadi to form a new government.
Given the sensitive political situation in Iraq and the international developments, Maliki quit his post heeding calls from inside and outside his government and supported Abadi who is also a senior member of his Dawa Party.
This is while that Western and Arab states had accused Maliki of taking part in ‘sectarian politics’, ‘monopolizing power’ and seeking ‘dictatorship’.
However, he showed that the political future of Iraq is more important than his personal and political ambitions. The decision was made as Iraq is facing ideological war of Takfiri terrorists.

Praised move
Maliki’s move also increased hopes for Iraq’s return to peace and political stability and therefore the international community welcomed the decision.
Iran and Western states praised Maliki’s forbearance and foresight in supporting the upcoming government in the face of ISIL Takfiri terrorists.
Maliki’s resignation is very important because Iraq is a multi-sectarian and multi-ethnic country that its political leaders sought to gain more powers than other rival groups. Therefore his move is a rare good in the Middle East state.
The country’s long dictatorial background, the occupation and the presence of foreign forces, terrorism, extremism and lack of experience in state and nation building extremely weakened the foundations of democracy in Iraq.
Such events at this sensitive juncture in Iraq’s history generated hope in the hearts of the Iraqis for the return of peace and stability to the country.
Maliki is the first Iraqi leader who put the political future of the country on a peaceful framework by obeying the call by Iraq’s most senor religious cleric Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani to step down in favor of the prime minister designate.

Memorable behavior

Without any doubt Maliki’s move will remain in the memory of the Iraqi people because his behavior will stand as a model for securing national interests.
One of the crises in Iraq was settled by Maliki’s decision and now the Iraqis should focus on resolving the most dangerous threat to the country’s sovereignty which is the insurgency of ISIL and other Takfiri terrorists that have overrun large swaths of northern Iraq.

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