Where is Hijr-Ismail(Hateem)?

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Where is Hijr-Ismail(Hateem)?

Hejr Ismail is a space between the Kaaba and a semi-circular wall about 10 meters wide, which includes from the Iraqi pillar to the Shami pillar. It is an arc-shaped wall with a height of 1.30 meters and is called Hajar Ismail. Hajr Ismail is a reminder of the time of Abraham and Ismail and the period after the building of the Kaaba. Therefore, its history and history reaches the time of the building of the Kaaba in the hand of Ibrahim.

Historical reports say that Ismail lived in this area and his tent was on this side. His mother Hajar also lived here with him and after she died, she was buried in Hajar. Jafar Sadiq (Sixth Imam of Shiites) has been quoted as saying: “الحِجرُ بَیتُ إِسمَاعِیلَ وَ فِیهِ قَبرُ هَاجَرَ وَ قَبرُ إِسمَاعِیلَ "; "Hajr is the house of Ismail and the burial place of Hajar and Ismail."

Some traditions say that many prophets are buried here. Actually, Hajr Ismail is considered a part of the Kaaba, therefore this area is not part of Mataf and those who perform Tawaf should go around it and not enter it.

All Muslims agree that the graves of Hazrat Ismail and Hajar are in this area. Pilgrims of God's house like to enter Hajar Ismail and worship. This area is one of the most important parts of Masjid al-Haram.


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