Hazrat Fatima (AS) is the first to enter heaven

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Hazrat Fatima (AS) is the first to enter heaven

Motaqi Hendi, quoting Abul Hasan Ahmad bin Maimon and Rafi'i, narrates from Abi Yazid Madani that the Messenger of God (PBUH) said:

«ان اول شخص یدخل الجنة فاطمة بنت محمد(ص) و مثلها فی هذه الامة مثل مریم فی بنی اسرائیل؛[کنز العمال، الباب الخامس فی فضل اهل بیت(ع)، ح342334، ج 6، ص 219]

"The first person who will enter Paradise on the Day of Judgment is Fatimah (AS). Like her in this Ummah, she is like Mary among the Children of Israel."


 Dhahabi, quoting from "Abu Saleh Mu'adzin", with a document that he himself acknowledges to be authentic, narrates from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of God (PBUH) said:

 «اول شخص یدخل الجنة فاطمة سلام الله علیها؛[ میزان الاعتدال، ذهبی، حرف العین، ج 2، ص 131] 


"The first person to enter Paradise is Fatima (A.S.)."


  Hakim Neishaburi in "Mustadrak Ali Al-Sahiheen" narrates from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

«تبعث الانبیاء یوم القیامة علی الدواب لیوافوا بالمؤمنین من قومهم المحشر و یبعث صالح علی ناقته و ابعث علی البراق خطوها عند اقصی طرفها و تبعث فاطمة أمامی، قال: هذا حدیث صحیح علی شرط مسلم؛[مستدرک علی الصحیحین، کتاب معرفة الصحابة، باب ذکر مناقب فاطمة بنت رسول الله (ص)] 


On the Day of Judgment, the Prophets (pbuh) will be sent on a chariot to meet the believers of their people in Mahshar. Hazrat Saleh will ride on his horse, and I will also ride on the shiny horse, which will travel to the end of its sight with every step, and Fatima will be in front of me.... Hakim says: The document of this hadith is valid according to the opinion of Muslim. is."


Muttaghi in "Kanz al-Umal" quoting Abu Bakr in "Al-Ghalaniyat", narrates from Abi Ayyub that the Messenger of God (PBUH) said:

 «اذا کان یوم القیامة نادی مناد من بطنان العرش: یا اهل الجمع! نسکوا رؤوسکم و غضّوا ابصارکم، حتی تمرّ فاطمة بنت محمد(ص) علی الصراط، فتمرّ مع سبعین الف جاریة من الحور العین کمرّ البرق؛[کنز العمال، الباب الخامس فی فضل اهل البیت، ح 34209؛ الصواعق المحرقۀ، الباب الحادی عشر فی فضائل اهل البیت النبی، ص 113] 

"On the Day of Judgment, a herald will call from the Throne: O People of Mahshar! Lower your heads and close your eyes so that Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad (PBUH), will pass through Sarat, so Fatimah, accompanied by seventy thousand heavenly maids, will quickly Electricity passes."


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