Ibn Abbas says: Satan came in the form of Suraqah ibn Malik to encourage the infidels of Quraysh to fight the Muslims and told them that he would support them and that no one would be able to defeat them! This incident is reported in the margin of the following verse:
«و اذ زَینَ لَهُمُ الشَّیطنُ اعملَهُم وقالَ لا غالِبَ لَکمُ الیومَ مِنَ النّاسِ وانّى جارٌ لَکم...».[انفال 48]
[Ibn Shahrashob Mazandarani, Muhammad ibn Ali, Mutashabih al-Quran wa al-Musafah, Introduction, Shahristan, Vol. 1, p. 21, Qom, Bidar, first edition, 1410 AH]
رفاعه انصارى میگوید: وقتی ابلیس دید فرشتهها با بتپرستان در روز بدر چه کردند، ترسید که او را نیز بکشند. حارث بن هشام به گمان اینکه او سراقة بن مالک است، به او نزدیک شد؛ اما شیطان مشتى به سینه حارث زد و او را انداخت و فرار کرد و خود را به دریا افکند و گفت: بار خدایا من از تو میخواهم که مهلتی به من بدهی![ مجلسی، محمد باقر، بحار الانوار، ج 60، ص 282، بیروت، مؤسسة الطبع و النشر، چاپ اول، 1410ق. ]
عبدالرحمن بن حنیش گفت: لشگر شیاطین برای کشتن پیامبر(ص) آمدند و پیامبر(ص) با دیدن آنها نگران شد، اما جبرئیل نزد حضرتشان آمد و عرضه داشت که برای نجات خود این جملات را بگویید:
Rifa'ah al-Ansari says: When Iblis saw what the angels did to the idolaters on the day of Badr, he was afraid that they would kill him too. Al-Harith ibn Hisham approached him, thinking that he was Suraqah ibn Malik; but the devil struck Al-Harith's chest with his fist and threw him down, and he fled and threw himself into the sea, saying: O God, I ask You to give me some respite! [Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 60, p. 282, Beirut, Mas'at al-Tab' wa al-Nashr, first edition, 1410 AH.]
Abd al-Rahman ibn Hanish said: The army of devils came to kill the Prophet (PBUH), and the Prophet (PBUH) became worried when he saw them, but Gabriel came to his Prophet and suggested that he say these words to save himself:
«أَعُوذُ بِکلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ اللَّاتِی لَا یجَاوِزُهُنَ بَرٌّ وَ لَا فَاجِرٌ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ وَ بَرَأَ وَ ذَرَأَ... ».
We have many such narrations, each of which requires a more detailed examination of its evidence and content, but the important thing is that Satan always tries to pursue his goals with internal temptation and with the help of evil-minded people, in other words, with demons of jinn and humans, and - except in a few cases - he does not see the need to materialize and embody, in which case he cannot be recognized. So the solution is that a person should try not to give in to the obsessions and evil words, and what difference does it make how these words and temptations were transmitted to him. In other words, knowing that the other party is Satan himself or a person with evil-mindedness has no effect on the outcome, and accordingly, one should not be deceived in either case.