The virtues of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS)

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The virtues of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS)

The virtues of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS)


Research on the lives of the Infallibles (AS) is necessary because the boundless ocean of their virtues and teachings is the most suitable model for everyone, especially Muslims. Likewise, the exaltation of the spiritual personality of man has been one of the highest and most sacred goals of religious leaders. "Exemplary and heroic" is institutionalized in man and all people are always looking for symbols. The Imams (AS), enduring many hardships on this path, put all their efforts into teaching good morals to man through their ways of behavior and speech, and keeping him away from ugliness and making him realize the sublime truth of humanity and its great value. Undoubtedly, divine leaders and Imams, as the embodiment of all goodness, are successful heroes for how to be, how to live and how to die. All dimensions of the personality of the Infallibles (AS) are worthy of research; hence, thinkers, elites and theorists mostly analyze their characteristics. In the meantime, the prominent role of Imam Mujtaba (AS) stands out very much. Therefore, with a brief reflection on his ethics and virtues, we open a window to the boundless moral virtues of that Imam of Hammam.


Life of Imam Mujtaba (AS)

There is a slight difference in the date of birth of Imam Mujtaba (AS). According to a well-known saying, he was born on the 15th of the blessed month of Ramadan in the third year of the Hijri, in the city of Medina. His esteemed father was Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) and his esteemed mother was Hazrat Fatima Zahra (AS). Imam Hassan (AS) did not realize the existence of his great grandfather for more than a few years because he was barely seven years old when the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) passed away.


After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), he remained with his father, the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH), for almost thirty years. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH) (40 AH), he assumed the leadership of the nation for ten years. In 50 AH, he was martyred by poisoning at the age of 48 due to a conspiracy by Muawiyah and was buried in the Baqi Cemetery in Medina.


Pure Originality

One of the most important virtues of that pious Imam was that his father, Ali Murtaza, was the second most prominent figure in the Islamic world, and his mother, Fatima Zahra, was the first exemplary lady of Islam and her noble granddaughter, the last messenger of the One God. His devoted grandmother was the first Muslim lady, Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwaylid; a lady who was the companion and comforter of the Prophet's difficult days until the end of her life, and by donating her wealth, she further accelerated the progress and movement of the nascent religion of Islam.


Quranic Verses

One of the most prominent virtues of Imam Mujtaba (AS) is that he was among the companions of the Kasa and the Aale Abaa and from the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet (PBUH); the Ahlul Bayt about whom many verses were revealed, including the verse of purification.


Umar bin Abi Salamah (son of the wife of the Prophet of God) says:


The Prophet (PBUH) was present in the house of Umm Salamah when this verse was revealed:

(انّما یریدُ اللّه لیذهب عنکم الرّجس اهل البیت و یطهّرکم تطهیراً)؛

God has willed to remove impurity from you, the Ahlul Bayt, and to purify you.[1] At this time, the Prophet called his daughter Fatima and his sons Hassan and Hussein, threw a cloak over their heads, and while Ali (a.s.) was standing behind them, he said:

«اللّهمّ هؤُلاء اهلُ بیتی فَاذْهَبْ عَنهُمُ الرّجسَ و طَهِّرْهُم تَطهیراً»؛

O Lord! These are my Ahlul Bayt, so remove all impurity from them and purify them.”


The presence of Imam Mujtaba (a.s.) during the “Mubahila” is also a sign of the trust and importance that the Messenger of God (pbuh) attached to him. His presence in the “Bay’at of Ridwan” and the Prophet’s (pbuh) pledge of allegiance to him shows the high status of that Imam Hammam.[2]

Prophetic Traditions

Regarding the family lineage and upbringing of the Alawi and Fatimids, the Prophet (PBUH) praised Imam Mujtaba (AS) and his noble brother with the following statements:


"These (Hasan and Husayn) are the fragrant flowers of my nation."[3]

And those two are the leaders of the youth of Paradise.[4]


In the book of Isti’ab, it is narrated in various ways from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that he said about the Hasanayn:


O Allah, I love these two, so love them and everyone who loves them.[5]


And about Imam Mujtaba (AS), he said:

If reason were embodied in the form of a man, it would indeed be beautiful.”[6]



The Holy Quran.


1. Ibn Athir, Izz al-Din, Asad al-Ghabah fi Ma’rifat al-Sahaba, Beirut: Darahiya al-Turat al-Arabi Publications, 1393 AH.


2. Isfahani, Imad al-Din Hussein, Life of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS), Tehran: Muhammad Publications, bi-ta.


3. Amin, Seyyed Mohsen, Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS) (Shiite Nobles), first edition, translator, Research and Writing Department, Bija, Publications of the Joint Stock Printing Company (Ministry of Islamic Guidance), 1982.


4. Behbahani, Mohammad Baqir, Karim Ahl al-Bayt (AS), translator, Ebrahim Soltani Nasab, proofreader, Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh, first edition, Tehran: Siyam Publications, 1981.


Pishvai, Mahdi, Seerah of the Leaders, second edition, Qom: Imam Research and Educational Institute Publications, 1995.


5. Jafarian, Rasool, Intellectual and Political Life of the Shiite Imams (AS), first edition, Qom: Ansarian Publications affiliated with the World Center for Islamic Sciences, 1997.


6. Dashti, Mohammad, Dictionary of the Speeches of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS), first edition, Qom: Amir al-Momenin Publications, 1990.

. Rashidi, Hossein, Life of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS) (Stories and instructive hadiths from the noble Ahl al-Bayt (AS), first edition, Qom: Bayan al-Haq Publications. 1389.


8. Sharif Qurashi, Baqir, Life of Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS), first edition, Beirut: Dar al-Balagha Publications, 1413 AH.


9. Qadiani, Abbas, Life of the Four Infallibles, first edition, Qom: Fardabeh Publications, 1380.


10. Qomi, Abbas, The End of Hopes, first edition, Qom: Ansarian Publications, 1386.


11. Mazandarani, Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Shahrashob, Manaqib Al Abi Talib (AS), Qom: Allama Publications, 1379 AH.


12. Mutawasil, Ahmad, Miracles of Imam Hassan (AS) from Birth to Martyrdom, first edition, Qom: Dar al-Fikr Publications, 1386.


13. Majlisi, Mohammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar, Beirut: Al-Wafa Publications, 1403 AH.


14. Hadi Manesh, Abolfazl, Aftab Hassan, An analytical approach to the life of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (AS), second edition, Qom: Daftar al-Aql Publications, 1387.




[1] Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 33.


[2] Rasool Jafarian, The Intellectual and Political Life of the Shiite Imams, p. 120, first edition, Qom: Ansarian Publications, 1376.


[3] Seyyed Mohsen Amin, Ayan al-Shi'ah, translated by the Research and Writing Department, p. 34, first edition, Ministry of Guidance Joint Stock Company Publications, 1361.


[4] Ibid.


[5] Ayan al-Shi'ah, p. 36.


[6] Rasool Jafarian, ibid., p. 121.

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