What happens at the time of death?

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What happens at the time of death?

When a person dies, his soul is completely separated from his body, and at this moment, certain events happen to him, and at the time of death, he realizes the end of his life by seeing some things.


What happens to a person at the time of death?


Many of us have heard stories about the moment of death and dying, and we are afraid of that moment and the events that are going to happen to us. At the moment of death, some of the realities that were hidden from a person during his life become clear to him; because at that time, when a person crosses the border of this world, he sees the angel of death and stands on the threshold of the unseen world. In this section of Namnak, we will introduce you to the events that happen at the moment of death.


What does a person see at the moment of death?


At the moment of death, a person's relationship with those around him and those around him are severed; The dying person cannot tell them his observations and explain what is happening to him, nor can those around him understand the information and observations of the dying person and become aware of his condition. Some realities are hidden from man during his lifetime and become clear to him at the moment of death.


The manifestations of believers and disbelievers at the moment of death depend on their actions; believers and righteous people benefit from the miracles of God Almighty and see pleasant and pleasant sights, but disbelievers and hypocrites see the effects of God's wrath and anger in proportion to their fortune and what they have earned in this world.


Angel of Death


At the time of death, humans represent certain things to them, such as Satan and angels. The moment the dying person sees the Angel of Death and the unfamiliar world after death, he realizes that his worldly life has ended, and at this time, he becomes very worried and anxious, and a lot of spiritual pressure is put on him.


A virtuous person sees the angels taking the soul in a good manner, with good news, greetings, and greetings. However, if he is an unbeliever, oppressor, and wrongdoer, he sees the angels as threatening and with frightening faces.

Angels of Recording Deeds


After death, every human being sees the angels of recording deeds and immediately becomes aware of his condition and understands whether he is in Paradise and a person of happiness or in Hell and a person of punishment. Another thing that the dying person sees in the first stages of transition is the angels in charge of sustenance and livelihood.


Imams and Prophets


There is no one whose death approaches, but the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family) and the infallible Imams (peace be upon them) all materialize and are present to him (with exemplary bodies), in such a way that he sees them. If the dying person is a believer, when he sees them, he becomes interested in them and loves them, and if he is not a believer, when he sees them, he considers them enemies and has no interest in meeting them.


Paradise and its high levels


A believer sees Paradise and its high levels after death, while he feels great sorrow and longing due to separation from his wife and life. The angel of death shows him Paradise and says: This is your home and your permanent blessings, your wealth, family and relatives are here. Any of your relatives and family who are righteous will be with you here. Are you satisfied to receive these blessings instead of the wealth and property of this world? He says: I swear by God, I am eager and ready.




It has been stated in some narrations that at the time of death, Satan with his children and companions come to the bedside of a person to tempt him and make him doubt his religion and lead him to disbelief. However, if the dying person is a true believer, Satan cannot overcome him and take away his religion and faith.


Wealth, children and possessions


A person's wealth, children and deeds are other things that are embodied for the dying person as an example of themselves.


Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that when a person looks at his wealth and says:


(O wealth)! By God, I was greedy for you and stingy (I spent my days and nights to acquire you and did not separate anything from you), so what benefit is there for me from you? Wealth says: Take your shroud from me (meaning that your use of me in this state is nothing more than a shroud).


Then he looks at his children and says: By God! I was a kind and protective father to you, so what benefit is there for me from you? They say: We will take you to the grave and the pit that is your resting place and hide you in it.


He looks at his actions and says: By God! I had no desire for you, and you were heavy and burdensome to me, so what benefit is there to me from you? He will say: I will be your companion in your grave and on the Day of Resurrection, until you and I are presented before your Lord.


The Ups and Downs of Life


The world of Barzakh and the world of this world are different from each other and every movement in the world requires time but this is not the case in the world of Barzakh. The world of Barzakh is like the world of dreams and sleep. When we dream, we see dreams and scenes that sometimes take days to be seen, but when we wake up, we see that we have not been asleep for more than an hour.


So a person can see the angel of death in a second and can also see all the ups and downs of his 70 years of life at that moment. The dying person is deeply overwhelmed with indescribable joy from his spiritual and luminous ups and is deeply saddened by his dark and gloomy ups, but this joy and sadness may last for a second or less.

Conditions of a person who has a stroke


There is no difference between those who have a stroke and die in an instant and those who are in a state of dying and struggling for life for a while. According to Islamic law, a person dies when the soul is completely separated from his body, meaning that a specialist says he is dead.


Therefore, if you think that a person who has had a stroke is not dead, do not bury him until you are sure that he is dead. Death occurs when the human soul is taken by divine angels and there is no return.

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