Resolve & Steadfastness from the Viewpoint of the holy Qur'an

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Success in every endeavour depends on resolve, steadfastness, and persistence, without which, no victory is possible. Scientists and scholars who have earned name and fame, are indeed indebted to their spirit of resolve and patience, without letting frustration taking hold of them. Likewise the pious and the virtuous have acquired their lofty status because of their resistance against, and overcoming of, immoral desires and carnal pleasures. Social reformers also owe their success to patience and perseverance, which help them surmount many obstacles. In many ayahs, God has called upon mankind to be firm, steadfast, patient and persistent in the path of truth and righteousness. Today we are focus on these characteristics from the viewpoint of the holy Qur'an.

According to Islamic teachings, resolve and steadfastness are considered good deeds and the fruits of faith. It is this firm faith that makes the virtuous immune from the temptations of the Satan. According to the holy Qur'an, the highest type of resolve is steadfastness in the way of God for safeguarding of faith and strengthening of spiritual aspects.

As we said, resolve and steadfastness ought to be in cause of virtue, because if these tendencies are negatively used, for achieving illegal and sinful objectives then it would be a catastrophe, not just for the wayward individual but for the society. Islamic history is replete with resolve in the way of God and religion.

For instance, in the early days of Islam, among those attracted by the dynamic mission of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was the black-coloured and poverty-stricken man of Mecca called Yasser. His 4-member family made up of him, his wife Somayya, and his two sons, Ammar and Abdullah, embraced the truth of Islam. This angered the Arab infidels and they tortured the family, threatening to kill them if they don't turn back to polytheism by renouncing Islam. Yasser refused to yield and patiently achieved martyrdom.

His wife Somayya despite her old age resisted against the enemy’s torture until the chief infidel of Mecca, Abu Jahl, savagely punched her stomach and martyred her. Their son, Abdullah, was severely tortured by the infidels but stayed firm. The other son, Ammar, was dragged in the midday heat to the burning sands of the desert, stripped of his clothes, forced to wear a heavy coat of armour, and then laid on the burning pebbles of the deserts that pierced his body. The Arab infidels threatened to kill him if he did not give up his faith in Islam and return to the worship of the idols Laat, Manaat, Habal and Ozza. But Ammar did not surrender to the infidels. The Prophet said to this family: Be firm and patient, certainly you will go to Paradise.

Thus there are lessons to be learnt by every Muslim in the account of Yasser and his family. Those who are firm, steadfast and persistence can easily overcome the problems of life. The holy Qur'an advises us to adopt firmness and patience to overcome the problems and hardships of life. In ayah 153 of Surah Baqara we read:

“O you who have faith! Take recourse in patience and prayer; indeed Allah is with the patient."

In this ayah patience, resolve and spiritual communion with God through prayer and supplications have been underlined as key to resolving the problems of life. Islamic teachings while stressing the importance of patience lay more emphasis on persistence. Seeking God's grace and help strengthens faith. The importance of patience and perseverance is evident by the account of Prophet Ayyoub or Job in the holy Qur'an, which says Surah Suad:

“And remember Our servant Job [in the Qur’ān]. When he called out to his Lord, The devil has visited on me hardship and torment,’ Indeed We found him to be patient. What an excellent servant! Indeed he was a penitent [soul].”

Several other ayahs refer to the patience and perseverance of other Prophets, such as Jacob, Joseph, Ishmail, as well as the Five Great Prophets, that is, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Greatest of them all, Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny). In Surah Ahqaf, ayah 35 God says: “So be patient just as the resolute among the prophets were patient, and do not seek to hasten [the punishment] for them. “

Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) displayed the highest form of patience and perseverance, since he is the most Excellent Exemplar to the entire human race. He suffered more than any other Prophet during his mission to guide mankind. Thus, the holy Qur'an, which is the eternal miracle of the Prophet of Islam, promises great rewards to the steadfast persons says in ayahs 13 and 14 of Surah Ahqaf:

“Indeed those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah,’ and then remain steadfast, they will have no fear, nor will they grieve..”

“They shall be the inhabitants of paradise, remaining in it [forever] —a reward for what they used to do.”

These ayahs and the stories of persistence of Muslims at the advent of Islam teach us that steadfastness on the path of God reduces hardships and grants success and victory to to Muslims vis-à-vis the oppressors

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