Eyewitness account of Prophet Muhammad’s ordainment

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"We have not sent you but as Mercy unto the creation." (Holy Qur'an 21:107)

This is how God Almighty introduces to humanity the start of the mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) at a time when mankind had plunged into the depths of darkness, with ignorance all around.


In the words of Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb, the Prophet's dearest cousin and the nearest person to him who was present as a pre-teen boy on Mount Noor when the Archangel Gabriel brought the first ayahs of the holy Qur'an:


"Indeed, Allah sent Muhammad (SAWA) as a warner (against vice) for all the worlds and a trustee of His revelation, while you people of Arabia were following the worst religion and you resided among rough stones and venomous serpents. You drank dirty water and ate filthy food. You shed blood of each other and cared not for relationship. Idols are fixed among you and sins are clinging to you." (Sermon 26 – Nahj al-Balagha)


Jahiliyya or ignorance was not just confined to the Arabs, but was widespread in the supposed civilized lands. The situation of the Iranian society was chaotic with injustice everywhere as rulers rose and fell, and the Zoroastrian priestly class imposed fire-worship and heavy taxes on the people.


In the Christianized Roman and Byzantine Empires, people had long deviated from the monotheistic message of the Virgin-born Messiah and were worshipping the Trinity.


In India, the discriminatory caste system and the multiplicity of the pantheon of deities was on a par with the Arabs, if not worse.


In China, the Sui Dynasty, claiming to follow the supposedly peaceful teachings of Buddha had embarked on one of the worst bloodbaths in history.


The Turks were immersed in Shamanism, and the Africans in sub-Sahara in animism.


To quote Imam Ali (AS) from his sermon 89 of the Nahj al-Balagha:


"Allah sent the Prophet – Muhammad (SAWA) – after the mission of other Prophets had stopped and the peoples were in slumber for a long time. Evils were raising heads, all matters were under disruption and in flames of wars, while the world was devoid of brightness, and full of open deceitfulness. Its leaves had turned yellow and there was absence of hope about its fruits and its water had gone underground. The minarets of guidance had disappeared and signs of destruction had appeared. It was stern to its people and frowned in the face of its seeker. Its fruit was vice and its food was carcass. Its inner dress was fear and outer cover was sword."


In such a hopeless situation, Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) proclaimed his universal message of monotheism. First he invited his relatives to convey the words of God at the gathering of Dhu'l-Ashira where his testimony of the Oneness of God (ash-hado an-la ilaha il-Allah) received dumb looks, until the silence was broken by his ten-year old cousin, Ali (AS), who stood up testified: "ash-hado anna Muhammadan Rasoul-Allah" (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah).


At this stage, the prime source of information on the life of the Prophet and the course of his call of monotheism is only the boy, Imam Ali (AS), as no one else had become a companion or a Muslim up till now. The boy whom the Prophet had hailed as "my legatee, my caliph" at the gathering of Dhu'l-Ashira (according to the Sunni hadith compiler, Ahmad ibn Hanbal), further informs us:


"Allah brought him out from the most distinguished sources of origin and the most honourable places of planting, namely from the same (lineal) tree from which He brought forth other Prophets and from which He selected His trustees. Muhammad's (SAWA) offspring are the best offspring, his kinsmen the best of kin and his lineal tree the best of trees. It grew in esteem and rose in distinction. It has tall branches and unapproachable fruits." (Sermon 94 – Nahj al-Balagha)


These words are ample proof of the fact that Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), whose universal message was foretold by all great prophets of God throughout history in different lands, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others, did not leave mankind in darkness after completing his 23-year mission that saw the grand revelation of the holy Qur'an – the Final Heavenly Scripture from Allah for the guidance of all humanity till doomsday.


"Allah deputed the Prophet with a sparkling light, a clear argument, an open path and a guiding book. His tribe is the best tribe and his lineal tree the best lineal tree whose branches are in good proportion and fruits hanging (in plenty). His birth-place was Mecca, and the place of his immigration Taybah (Medina), from where his name rose high and his voice spread far and wide.Allah sent him with a sufficing plea, a convincing discourse and a rectifying announcement. Through him Allah disclosed the ways that had been forsaken, and destroyed the innovations that had been introduced. Through him He explained the detailed commands." (Sermon 161)


Imam Ali (AS), who on the express commandment of God was designated by the Prophet as his vicegerent at Ghadir-Khom in 10 AH, says about the Prophet's Ahl al-Bayt:


"Look towards the members of the Prophet's family. Adhere to their direction. Follow their footsteps because they would never let you out of guidance, and never throw you into destruction. If they sit down, you sit down, and if they rise up you rise up. Do not go ahead of them, as you would thereby go astray and go not lag behind of them as you would thereby be ruined." (Sermon 97)


"Where are you being taken astray and how are you groping while you have among you the offspring of the Prophet? They are the Reins of Right, Ensigns of Faith and Tongues of truth. Accord to them the same good position as you accord to the Qur'an, and come to them (for quenching the thirst of guidance) as the thirsty camels approach the water spring." (Sermon 86)


What better way to understand Islam, the holy Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) than the words of First and Foremost Muslim, adherence to his path will save our societies from the dastardly devilish terrorists!




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