It is obligatory to return to Mecca after completing the three acts of worship in Mina, to perform the acts that are obligatory there. However, it is not necessary to return to Mecca on the same day of Eid or the day after to perform the acts of worship in Mecca. Rather, one can delay these acts until the end of Dhul-Hijjah. This means that if the last day of Dhul-Hijjah comes and he performs the acts, there is no problem. However, since it is obligatory to stay in Mina on the eleventh and twelfth nights, and it is also obligatory to throw stones at the Jamarat in Mina on these two days, they usually stay in Mina for these two nights and two days, and then return to Mecca after the afternoon of the twelfth day and perform the acts for the few days they are in Mecca.
Issue: The first act that must be performed in Mecca after returning from Mina is the Tawaf-e-Hijjah, which is called Tawaf-e-Ziyarat. This Tawaf is the same as the Tawaf-e-Umrah in all its customs, conditions, and rulings. As mentioned, the only difference is in the intention, which here must be with the intention of the Tawaf-e-Hijjah.