Hajj; A Journey to the Heart of Resurrection and a Return to the Pure Truth of Humanity

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Hajj; A Journey to the Heart of Resurrection and a Return to the Pure Truth of Humanity

Hajj is not only a religious duty, but also a spiritual experience in which the Resurrection is clearly and fully demonstrated. This spiritual journey not only brings everyone together in one physical place, but also creates a deep inner alignment among humans. Here, racial, linguistic, and social differences fade away and everyone comes together in front of the one truth that is God. Hajj is the Resurrection embodied; an experience in which a person realizes the return to his origin and truth and goes to the heart of the earth to meet the Resurrection.


Hajj is the Resurrection embodied, not only in the sense that the individual sees his body at that moment alongside other humans in a holy land, but also because the Hajj has the depth and meaning of the Resurrection in its heart. Amidst the endless whirlwind of people heading towards the House of God, what attracts the eye most is the presence of a truth. A truth that is evident in every moment of this worship; people, with all their apparent differences, respond to a sacred purpose.


This scene is as if it were an objective experience of the Day of Judgment. In the Hajj, just as on the Day of Resurrection, all people gather in a single line to answer the call of God, in this land too, everyone finds themselves on a single path and a single will with one intention and in response to the divine call. At that moment when hearts are connected to one point, all worldly attachments collapse and what remains is only the truth of humanity and connection with God.


In the Hajj, a person is not only physically placed alongside others, but also spiritually placed in a deep alignment with others. This is one of the most beautiful and delightful aspects of Hajj; everyone is immersed in a spiritual flow, without asking each other questions about identity, race, color or social status. There is only one truth here, and that is the truth of servitude. The truth that says that no human being will be anything but servitude and submission to God.


Hajj is, in fact, an experience that reminds man that life is nothing but a journey towards truth. On this journey, humans, unaware of all worldly divisions and labels, search for that pure truth in the heart of the earth. At this moment, it is as if all humanity unites at one point and bows down before God.


This deep and experiential spirituality in Hajj is actually more than a religious duty. It is a return to the origin, a return to the truth that lies within every human being. In this journey, a person reaches a point where nothing has any real meaning in the face of divine love and a truth greater than their own. What happens in the Hajj is a person’s realization of oneness and connection to all of existence.


And perhaps one of the greatest messages of the Hajj for humans is this: that ultimately, in the sight of God, there is no difference. In the sight of Him, all humans are one truth, without any boundaries or distances. Everyone will return to Him, regardless of their background or what they have had in this world. What remains is the only truth that flows in the hearts of humans, and on that great day, before God, all humans will march in a line, hand in hand, toward the truth.


The Hajj, this embodied resurrection, shows us that life is full of different tests and experiences, but in the end, everything will come to one point. At that moment, only the truth will remain, and we will know that this truth, just as it will be on the Day of Judgment, is present in every soul, in every moment of life, and in every experience that a person has on the path of God. This is the "return to God" that the Hajj takes us to; a journey that begins in the heart of the earth and reaches the infinite truth in the heavens.

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