Features of the Kaaba

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Features of the Kaaba

The Kaaba is a blessed house that whoever enters it is safe. It brings reward for the pilgrim and the Maqam of Ibrahim, which God has commanded us to make a place of prayer, is located there. God has also commanded us to go towards it, worship, pray, thank and praise it, and to turn towards it in all prayers day and night, wherever we are.


When we go towards the Kaaba, we should remember the efforts and efforts of Prophet Ibrahim and Ishmael (peace be upon them), but our worship should be exclusively for God. Praying with humility at the Maqam of Ibrahim has a lot of reward and reward and increases the status and status of Ibrahim (peace be upon him), because the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) said: "Whoever abandons a good Sunnah, he will have its reward and the reward of whoever acts upon it until the Day of Resurrection."


The House of God has witnessed an endless stream of pilgrims since its reconstruction by Abraham and Ishmael (peace be upon them), and there is not a moment when the magnificent Kaaba does not welcome pilgrims from all over the world. They come there with great joy and enthusiasm to answer the call of their Lord.


If we want to describe the Kaaba as it deserves, it is better to leave the choice of words to the Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), and see together how he described it in Nahjul Balagha: “He has made pilgrimage to His House obligatory upon you, and let all Muslims enter the Qiblah, and let all Muslims enter the Qiblah, and enter the Qiblah. Take refuge in it like cattle and like doves, and for the believers two signs: humility in proportion to His greatness and confession of His glory. And He chose from among His creatures, when they heard His call, they listened to it and bought it with their hearts and souls. They set out and followed the footsteps of the prophets and, like the angels around the Throne, stood on the foot of servitude, adding to the profit of the market day of worship at every moment and stealing His forgiveness from each other when they entered. God made the Kaaba a symbol of Islam and a safe house for refugees and made going to the house obligatory and made it known to the rightful owners and called the servants to visit it and said: Visiting the house is obligatory upon whoever is able from God Almighty, and whoever refuses, God is self-sufficient.


Have you not seen that God, the Blessed and Exalted, tested the first person from Adam (peace be upon him) to the last person in the world - by making sacred stones - speechless and useless, who neither see nor hear. So God made it a house of holiness and prepared it for the coming and worship of His people. So He made that house a rock that is harder than all the rocks on earth and has the least possibility of growth. To a valley narrower than other valleys, between hard mountains and soft sands that are difficult to pass, and springs whose water is scarce, and in which camels do not fatten, and horses, cows, and sheep do not find grass.


So He commanded Adam and his children to face that house - and to respect it - so the house became for them a place in which to take the benefits of the journey and a destination where they left their burdens. Hearts on the way to meet Him, from waterless plains and plantless crevices, deep valleys and isolated islands in the vastness of the sea, who shook their shoulders in contempt and praise at the house and ran dusty and disheveled. They threw aside their clothes and made their beautiful creation ugly by letting their hair grow. A great test, a difficult test, and a clear test for the emergence of disobedience from obedience. God made the pilgrimage to the House a source of His mercy and a means of reaching Paradise.


And if God Almighty had willed, He would have placed the House of Jerusalem and His great place of worship among gardens and streams and rivers and in soft and flat lands and in unbroken palm groves and distant fruits and mansions and connected settlements among good wheat fields and greens and gardens full of greenery and gardens that have opened around it. The dry tombs, and palm groves, and roads of prosperity, would have been a small reward and a small test. And if the foundation on which the building is built and the stones on which the house is built were of green emerald and red ruby, with perfect brilliance and brilliance, it would have reduced the finding of two hearts in the breasts and would have removed the efforts of Satan from the hearts and would have arisen doubts and doubts from the people. "But God tests His servants with various hardships, and through conflicts He compels them to worship Him, and He tests them with unpleasant things in order to turn away personal gain from Himself."

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