Experts in social and political affairs have defined Islamic awakening as follows:
Islamic awakening, in contemporary political literature in Iran and the world, means the intellectual and social transformations of the last two centuries of Muslim societies in the light of loyalty to Islamic religious principles. The main factor of Islamic awakening is the encounter of Muslims with the new Western culture and civilization, and their realization of the depth of their backwardness in some areas of affairs compared to the West. In fact, this phenomenon is the religious reaction of Muslim societies’ intellectuals in dealing with Western culture and civilization.
However, in recent developments in the region, a new reading of Islamic awakening has been taken into consideration. After the events of October 7 and the oppression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people and the silence of human societies, Western people became curious about the perseverance of Palestinian Muslims and Islamic beliefs about patience and faith in God. Therefore, we saw that many non-Muslims around the world preferred to choose the religion of Islam and live as Muslims and defend the rights of Palestinian Muslims against the Zionists.