Islamic Awakening inspired by victory of Islamic Revolution

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Meeting with the Iranian Air Force personnel on the anniversary of brave action of the Air Force (2012/02/08 - 20:35)

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that slogans of the Iranian nation have prevailed over the region and the nations have now stood by Iran pursuing the same goals.

Islamic Revolution Leader made the remark in a meeting with the Iranian Air Force personnel on the anniversary of brave action of the Air Force to express allegiance to late Imam Khomeini in 1979 when the Constitutional Council was in power.

'What the Air Force did in 1979 was an initiative and a timely action to move forward with a hopeful look to the future,' Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Elsewhere in his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the latest developments in the region and the Islamic Awakening proved that the Iranian nation is moving in the right path and that the Islamic Revolution has flourished and is dynamically moving forward towards its goals 33 years after its victory.

Islamic Revolution Leader said that the Air Force cadets dealt a great blow to the former regime through their revolutionary action of marching towards the residence of late Imam Khomeini in 1979.

The Leader said that momentous action of the cadets of the Air Force expedited the process of the Islamic Revolution under a critical situation.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that a nation must take initiative in every period by timely action to avoid standing idle and it is a necessity that they move forward with a hope for bright future.

'If a nation wanted to preserve dignity, national identity, security and national interest, it should go ahead with innovation and endeavor,' the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Islamic nations have suffered from backwardness over the past centuries due to their failure to take timely action and move forward.

He said that the speed of the Islamic nations in their move forward must be faster than that of the global arrogance.

'In order to obtain the optimum speed, the nation and the government in addition to the armed forces must redouble their efforts.'

Islamic Revolution Leader said that Iran does not claim that the Islamic Awakening in the region has been initiated by Iran, but, no one can neglect the fact that the waves of Islamic Awakening have been inspired by the victory of Islamic Revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the western materialistic civilization has failed to bring happiness and prosperity for the mankind, adding that the western communities are suffering from absence of morality of negligence to the commands of God, no welfare is available in the western societies and the family principle are no longer respected.

Islamic Revolution Leader said that the message of the Islamic Revolution is the message of morality, divine values and salvation from the current miserable state of life in the West.

Prior to the Islamic Revolution Leader's remarks, Air Force Commander Brigadier General Shahsafi gave a report on the achievements of the Iranian Air Force.

He said that the Air Force has manufactured air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles and radar-evading missiles, laser missiles and smart bombs as well as Saegeh warplanes and has promoted preparedness in electronic warfare.


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