Kufa Mosque

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Kufa Mosque

Kufa Mosque is the fourth most important mosque. According to some narrations, the first person who built Kufa Mosque was Adam (AS) and Noah (AS) rebuilt it after the storm. In the year 17 AH, with the initial presence of Muslims in Kufa during the time of Saad bin Abi Waqqas, this mosque was rebuilt at the suggestion of Salman Farsi. This mosque witnessed the presence of many prophets, Imam Ali (AS), Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS) and some other imams (AS).


In the year 36 AH, with the presence of Imam Ali (AS) in this mosque, its importance and attention was increased. Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) used to read prayers and sermons in this mosque and used to do some government affairs including judging in that mosque. He was martyred in the mihrab of this mosque. Next to the Kufa Mosque, Imam Ali's house, Daralamare Kufa, Muslim bin Aqeel's shrine, Hani bin Arwa's shrine and Mukhtar's shrine are located. This mosque has many authorities and special actions are performed in many of them.


 According to some narrations, Kufa Mosque is one of the heavenly gardens. If anyone enters it, he will be forgiven. It is stated in the traditions that the city of Kufa will be the center of Imam Mahdi's (AS) government and the mosque of Kufa will be the center of his command headquarters.


 It is considered one of the oldest shrines in Kufa after Al-Haram Mosque, Al-Nabi Mosque and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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