Congratulations on the birthday of the Prophet of Islam(pbuh)

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Congratulations on the birthday of the Prophet of Islam(pbuh)

Historians have written the year of his birth as "Aam Al-Fail" (570 AD). Famous among Shiites, the 17th of Rabi al-Awwal and among Sunnis, the 12th of this month is considered as his birthday.

His Holiness's father's name is "Abdullah", the son of "Abd al-Muttalib" and his beloved mother, "Amna Bint Wahhab". Abdullah's life with Amina was not very long because Abdullah passed away two months before the birth of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family).

In several hadiths, it has been narrated from the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that he said:

"I am the result of the prayer of my father Abraham (peace be upon him) and I am the one whom Jesus (peace be upon him) gave the good news of his coming."

Regarding this sentence of the Prophet (peace be upon him) who said: "I am the result of the prayer of my father Ibrahim", writes: "When Abraham built the house of the Kaaba, he prayed and asked God for several things, including: "God, keep this city safe."

Then he offered:

 «ربنا وابعث فیهم رسولا منهم یتلو علیهم آیاتک ویعلمهم الکتاب والحکمة...» 

"O Lord, raise up for them a prophet from among themselves who will recite your verses to them and teach them your book and wisdom..."

This prayer of Abraham was answered and God made our prophet the same prophet that he wanted.

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