The Birthday Anniversary of Imam al-Baqir ('a)

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The Birthday Anniversary of Imam al-Baqir ('a)

Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS), the fifth Imam of the Shiites, was born on the first of Rajab or, according to another version, on the third of Safar in the year 57 AH in Medina.

He is related to Imam Ali (AS) and Fatima Zahra (PBUH) on both maternal and paternal sides. As Imam Sadiq (AS) said, his dear mother was unique in the family of Imam Hassan (AS).


The life of Imam Baqir (AS).


The life of Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) is divided into two parts. The period before the Imamate lasted for more than 35 years, during the Imamate of his father, Imam Ali ibn al-Hussein (AS). The second part of the Imam's life was the period of his leadership. During this period, he established his own scholarly government. That great man taught in religious universities for 50 years, revealing the truth of religion to students, and telling about the hundred-year history of Islam from the time of the death of Imam Muhammad (AS) to the time of that Imam.


The validity of his Imamate


1. The narration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the introduction of the twelve Imams (PBUH).


2. A specific narration of Prophet Muhammad Baqir (PBUH) that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said.


3. The testimony of Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari to the Prophet (PBUH) about the birth of Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH).


4. The confirmation of Imam Baqir (PBUH)'s Imamate by Imam Sajjad (PBUH).


5. The Imam's words about himself and the continuation of the Imamate until the twelfth Imam.


His social and political life


The religious people of Iran during his time helped the Abbasids in the uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and the pressure of the oppressive Umayyad government to eliminate the weak Umayyad dynasty. Therefore, it provided a suitable opportunity for Imam Baqir (PBUH) to reform and strengthen Shia, reject superstitions, and confront the incorrect methods of implementing divine commands.

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