Martyrdom Anniversary of Hazrat Fatema Zahra (SA)

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Today the 3rd of the month of Jamadi al-Akher is that poignant day on which in the year 11 AH, only 95 days after the passing away of her father, the daughter also left the mortal world, leaving four little orphans and a bereaved husband.




Some ninety days had passed since the passing away of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). The streets of Medina and the Prophet’s Mosque continued to bear traces of his absence. Attached to the mosque, the home of his Infallible Daughter and Immaculate son-in-law Imam Ali (AS) was full of sorrow. The departure of the Prophet, followed by the calamity the Prophet’s venerable daughter had suffered as a result of the smashing upon her of the burning door of her house by a group of agents of the regime that has usurped the political power of the Islamic state, had saddened Imam Ali (AS). Now sick and bent with grief in the prime of youth, Hazrat Fatama (SA) was going through the waning moments of her life. The sight of her husband and the four small children, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain, and daughters, Zainab and Omm Kolsoum (peace upon them), were source of consolation for her. She remembered the words of her father that soon she would join him in heaven.


In the waning moments of the life of Hazrat Fatema (SA), her husband and her four children were at her deathbed. Imam Ali (AS) looked at his wife’s face, which was a reminder of her short but fruitful life. Moments passed slowly in silence. The Imam embraced the hands of his wife, who was a source of inspiration for him, especially in the days following the passing away of the Prophet and the seizure of the caliphate from him. Tears welled in the eyes of the venerable grandchildren of the Prophet as they glanced at their loving mother, reviewing the sweet memories of her in their minds. Hazrat Zainab (SA) had witnessed that her venerable mother never refused the calls of the needy for help. Imam Hasan (AS) remembered his mother’s nightly prayers, in which she prayed for all, and in the last would pray for her and her household. Imam Husain (AS) had also observed how his virtuous mother prudently guided people to the sources of truth and righteousness.


Imam Ali (AS), whispering in the ears of his venerable spouse tried to console her by reminding that whenever he looks at her, he forgets all of his sorrows, and that she is the most noble lady of all times – even superior that Mary the mother of Prophet Jesus (peace upon them). Hazrat Fatema (SA) opened her eyes, kindly looking at her husband and children. It seemed that she wanted to remind her husband to take care of their children and to say her wish to be laid to rest in peace at night and far from the eyes of others. Imam Ali (AS) was deeply saddened. He went to the mosque to pray. A short while later, the soul of the Prophet’s daughter flew to the ethereal heavens. When informed, the Imam staggered in grief to the house, where the children and the maid Fizza were a picture of grief. In this manner, on the third day of the Islamic month of Jamadi al-Akher in the 11th year of the hijra, Hazrat Fatema (SA) passed away, but left a lasting legacy. We hereby extend our heartfelt condolences on the anniversary of martyrdom of Hazrat Fatema (SA) to all true Muslims.


The memory and legacy of Hazrat Fatema (SA) continue to enlighten the righteous. During her short life she manifested all virtues. She possessed such an in-depth understanding of the universe and its Creator that she is considered to this day as the most excellent exemplar for all virtuous women. She lived a simple life, and as long as she was alive, Imam Ali (AS) never took another wife. One of her attendants named Asma, has said she never saw a woman as polite as Hazrat Fatema (SA). When God Almighty revealed to an Ayah commanding people not to address Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) by his name, the Impeccable Daughter, in a show of courtesy, addressed him as “Messenger of God” instead of the usual “Dear Father”. At this the Prophet told her that this ayah was not revealed for her or for her children, but for the general people.


Throughout her short but fruitful life, Hazrat Fatema (SA) made every effort to promote justice and to uphold righteousness. She also made utmost efforts to fulfill her duties. She knew that life, with all of its ups and downs, is an opportunity for fulfillment of divine duties. The one who realizes and fulfills one’s duty truly prospers in life. The important point is to realize one’s duty at any moment of life. Meanwhile, vigilance and insight are a must in the path to fulfillment of one’s duty. Hazrat Fatema (SA) had truly realized her duty and hence made every effort to fulfill it. She knew that on the Day of Judgment, everyone will be questioned on their duties. Hazrat Fatema (SA) stood steadfastly for the defence of wilaya or God-given authority of her husband Imam Ali (AS), the divinely decreed successor of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Her famous sermon, which is an eloquent piece of Arabic literature, is preserved to this day, and serves as guideline for true understanding of the fundamentals of faith, such as monotheism, divine justice, Prophethood, Imamate, and the Day of Resurrection. In this sermon delivered to the regime that had usurped the rights of Imam Ali (AS) and seized from her the orchard of Fadak, she has spelled the blueprint for proper governance of the society, warning that the caliphate had veered from its course and would become a curse for the ummah. She pointed out that the salvation of mankind is in holding steadfast to the Revealed Word of God Almighty, the holy Qur’an, and to the wilaya of Imam Ali (AS). We salute the Infallible Daughter of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), and pray to God to continue the path of the virtuous human beings.


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