Moral Advice for Hajj

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Moral Advice for Hajj

In a meeting of pilgrims preparing to perform the rituals of Hajj Tamattu, Hojjat al-Islam wa Muslimeen Sayyid Mahdi Mirahmadi stated that observing morality during Hajj is one of the essential issues related to Hajj.


The advice of this university professor and seminary instructor is summarized as follows:


If we are looking for joy and happiness in the divine journey of Hajj, let us not forget benevolence, forgiveness, and service to the pilgrims.


Now that we have been granted the privilege of hosting the Lord of the Worlds in the House of God, let us not neglect reading the Word of God, which is the Quran.


Familiarity with the Quran is familiarity with God. Harassing pilgrims to the House of Kaaba will make us look bad to the owner of the house.


Do not say anything that will humiliate you in the eyes of others.


Having bad thoughts during the Hajj journey will annoy your companions.


A well-mannered companion is one of God's blessings.


The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The best charity is to guard the tongue.


Low expectations and great patience will make the Hajj journey memorable and lasting for us.


The Creator’s attention depends on our unconditional love for His creation.


Overlooking the mistakes of God’s creation will pave the way for God to overlook our mistakes.

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