How many conditions are there for a correct ablution?

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How many conditions are there for a correct ablution?

How many conditions are there for a correct ablution?


Answer: There are thirteen:


-1 The water for ablution must be pure


2 The water for ablution must be absolute


3 The water for ablution must be permissible


4 The container for ablution must be permissible (not usurped)


5 The container for ablution must not be made of gold or silver


6 The parts of ablution must be pure when washing and wiping


7 The time for ablution and prayer must be sufficient


8 The person performs ablution with the intention of approaching the person


9 The person performs ablution in order


10 The person performs the ablution one after the other


11 The person does not perform ablution for the person


12 The person does not cause harm


13 The person does not have anything in the parts of ablution that prevents the water from reaching them

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