Shaking hands between men and women that are not Mahram

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Shaking hands between men and women that are not Mahram

All imitation authorities consider any physical contact between girl and boy, even shaking hands with people from religions other than Islam, and those who live abroad are prohibited from doing so. And it is only permissible to shake hands with gloves they do not press each other and do not intend to enjoy.


Islam's opinion on the hand with the unholy

While the opposite sex may not stimulate lust for many people, there are other people who are also stimulated with this brief amount of communication, given that among the first group may also be people who may be with Cordly to show themselves provide the basis for illegitimate communication.


Accordingly, it deserves to be lost with the unholy that is not essential in social life. God Almighty has enacted most of the religious laws and considers the public interest in the general community, although the wisdom of the judgment may not include some people. For example, although shaking hands with women may not create any erotic feeling in some older or middle -aged people, the sacred law has ruled in many people because of the same feeling.


But about the physical contact of the man and the woman and the shakes and clashes with each other, the imitation authorities have generally said: Handy is not permissible unless something is hijab, or secondary titles such as The necessity is true.

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