What does creating death mean in the Quran?

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What does creating death mean in the Quran?

In the blessed Surah Al-Mulk it is mentioned (الذی خلق الموت و الحیاه) Is death a creation that God created? How can we accept this issue while it is well known that death is a non-existent matter, in which case what is the meaning of creation and creation?

Answer: It should be known that creation has many meanings and one of the most common meanings of creation, as mentioned in all dictionaries, is predestination. Accordingly, the meaning of the verse is as follows: That God who has ordained and determined death and life as a test for you humans. And the witness to the meaning mentioned for the verse is verse 60 of Surah Al-Waqiah, in which He says: (نحن قدرنا بینکم الموت) meaning We have ordained and determined death among you humans.

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