Answer: The Night of Power is the night in which the Quran was revealed:
“[Qadr/1] We sent it down [the Quran] on the Night of Power!”
And this night is better than a thousand months:
[Qadr/3] The Night of Power is better than a thousand months!
Perhaps these two characteristics are characteristics that did not exist before Islam. Because the Quran was certainly not revealed before the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and perhaps thanks to the revelation of the Quran, the honor and dignity of the Night of Power has increased to the point that it is better than a thousand months. Therefore, some believe, according to a hadith, that the Night of Power is specific to the nation of the end of time.
In the commentary of the example, he says: “It is clear from numerous narrations that this is one of the divine blessings upon this nation, as is stated in a hadith from the noble Prophet (PBUH) who said: “Allah has given my nation the Night of Power, and none of the previous nations had this blessing.”[1][2] It is worth mentioning that after the Prophet (PBUH) and the revelation of the Quran, the Night of Power has been repeated every year. In the commentary of the example, he says: “The interpretation of the present tense verb (تَنَزَّلُ) which indicates continuity, as well as the interpretation of the nominal sentence “سَلامٌ هِي حَتَّي مَتْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ” which indicates continuity, also testify to this meaning. In addition, many narrations, perhaps even of a tawatir nature, confirm this meaning.”[3]
However, the Night of Power has other characteristics that are not exclusive to the end-times nation. Rather, it is necessary for every era. Like the destiny of the servants being determined, or the descent of angels upon divine proof, hence the hadiths have pointed out that the Night of Power has existed since the beginning of creation:
Imam Jawad (peace be upon him) says: God - may God be glorified and exalted - created the Night of Power at the beginning of the creation of the world, and on that night He created the first prophet and the first successor who should be (Adam and Seth) [predestined their existence], and decreed that there would be a night in every year in which the interpretation and explanation of matters would be made until such a night in the following year. Whoever denies that night has rejected the knowledge of God Almighty, because the prophets, messengers, and narrators of hadith do not stand up and do not stand up except by means of a proof that reaches them on that night, or by a proof that Gabriel (peace be upon him) brings to them (on other nights) (because they acquire the plan of leading the people and some special knowledge on that night).
The narrator says: I asked: Gabriel or other angels Will the hadith scholars also come? He said: Regarding the prophets and messengers, there is no doubt about it, and regarding others, it must have been a proof for the people of the earth from the first day of the creation of the earth until the end of the world that God Almighty would reveal the interpretation of matters on that night to His most beloved servants.[4]
[1]. In Al-Manthur, Volume 6, Page 371.
[2]. Tafsir Al-Numnu, Vol. 27, p. 190.
[3]. Tafsir Al-Numnu, Vol. 27, p. 190.
[4]. Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, p. 250.