Question: Why is the closeness and comfort of man in the presence of God and Paradise conditioned by life in the world? What would happen if man were created and lived unconditionally in Paradise and understood God?
Answer: If your intention in asking this question is that some people enter Paradise without living in the earthly world and without being tested and tried, such beings already exist and are in Paradise; such as the houris and angels who are in charge of the affairs of Paradise. In this case, basically, no human being would have been created and no human being would have existed. Because a human being is a being who is created from the dust and clay of the earth and has free will and with his own free will determines the degree of his existence and the level of his perfection and happiness. If a being is told that the limit and degree of your existence and perfection are such and such and your place and abode in Paradise is such and such, such a being is no longer free and has not determined his place and abode by his own will and desire. Therefore, he is not a human being, but an angel or something else.
We are talking about the creation of a human being who is created from worthless soil; but no specific size is determined for his perfection, but he is given the ability, talent, and permission to grow and perfect as much as he wants with his own will and desire. He can choose and ascend to any degree and position he wants. Such a being with power and talent can only be created on the earth, which is the place of power and talent; not in heaven. Heaven is not a place of action, growth, freedom, etc., but rather a place of reward and goodness, and it is impossible to sin there; one of the aspects of the existential value of man is that he can sin, but for the sake of God's pleasure, he steps on his own desires and does not sin. Therefore, life in the earthly world is a necessity for man to be human, and there is no escape from it.