What is Raja’t (The Return)

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Sulaiman: Shias believe in the second coming of your Imams (r.a.) after their demise and after a long time. How do you justify this belief?

Ja’far: The actual meaning of Raja’t is that the Almighty Allah by His unbounded power will raise some people from the dead during the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) at the end of time. Now there are two points before us:

First – Is Raja’t possible?

We know that it is obligatory for Muslims to believe in every word of the Quran. And Quran says,

"So Allah caused him to die for a hundred years, then raised him to life…"

(Surah Baqarah 2:259)

"…then Allah said to them, Die; again He gave them life;"

(Surah Baqarah 2:243)

Also while discussing the people of the cave Allah says,

"They shall say: Our Lord! Twice didst Thou make us subject to death, and twice hast Thou given us life,"

(Surah Mumin 40:11)

After reading these ayats we have to admit that Raja’t is very much possible.

Secondly: There are ayat to prove the Raja’t of Imams (a.s.) and some people. There are many traditions that have been recorded. This has also been proved according to the criteria of shariat. It is considered one of the articles of the belief of the Shias. But this belief is not one of the Durooriyaate Deen (obligatory articles of belief). It means that if a person believes in it, it is sufficient. If he does not, he is free to investigate. He will not be blamed for sinning or disbelief according to Shia jurisprudence.





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