Islamic Revolution's support for the world’s oppressed

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Islamic Revolution's support for the world’s oppressed

Today is the 6th day of the blessed Ten-Day-Dawn celebrations marking the 36th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran under the astute leadership of that Sage of the Age, Imam Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (God bless his soul). As a leading scholar of Islam, the Late Imam was a firm supporter of the oppressed and the downtrodden, and he strove to uplift their conditions. Whether in Iran or abroad, his aim was to leave no stone unturned for restoring to the oppressed their rights.


The Islamic Revolution in line with its nature and objectives based on the holy Qur’an and the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt has revolutionized political terminology. Among these terms that have gained currency worldwide are the Arabic words “mostaz’af” which means the oppressed, and “mustakbar” which means arrogant. Consequently the Persianized term “Istekbar-e Jahani” that stands for Global Arrogance, refers to the domineering powers, the US in particular. Accordingly, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran that is based on the genuine teachings of Islam and humanitarian values emphasizes campaign against the hegemonic powers and support for the oppressed peoples of the world. That is the reason the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran was hailed as the victory of the oppressed over the arrogant. Article 3, phrase 16 of the constitution says that the Islamic Republic of Iran's government is duty bound for achieving its objectives to base the country's foreign policy on the basis of Islamic principles. Article 154 considers prosperity for all mankind as its ideal. It goes on to stress independence, freedom and the rule of justice as the right of all people of the world. Thereby it negates interference in the internal affairs of other nations and supports the rightful campaign of the Oppressed against the Global Arrogance.

Since the beginning of the Islamic movement and especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini in his speeches and writings always emphasized support for the oppressed and the deprived. He used to reiterate that the Islamic Revolution which in accordance with Islamic values condemns hegemony and challenges the policies of the arrogance. As the great architect of the Islamic Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic, he was critical of the uneven relations between the world powers and the week nations. From the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (RA), the oppressed nations will gain victory only through awareness and struggle for their denied rights against the arrogant exploiters, whether domestic or foreign. With the globalization of these key concepts, the Islamic Revolution showed the path to the oppressed of the world. In this regard, Imam Khomeini used to say: Our movement is not restricted to Iran but it is the movement of the oppressed worldwide against the arrogant, and it is supported by all those who attach respect for humanity and human rights.

Inspired by the insight of the Father of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian people succeeded in overthrowing the British-installed and US-backed despotic Pahlavi regime, and established the Islamic Republic system of government, which serves as a model of vigilance for the oppressed nations in the region and beyond. At the same time, the arrogant powers were, and still are, frightened of these glorious ideals of the Islamic Revolution and its fundamental support for the oppressed people.

The Islamic Revolution in Iran gave to the world a new concept, since it was neither dependent on the East nor the West. In other words, it was neither based on the capitalist system nor the communist ideology, but presented a new model to the world in accordance with the Islamic teachings. This gave rise to the famous slogan: “Neither East nor the West, Islamic Republic is the Best", which was among the fundamental principles of the Late Imam Khomeini. This is the reason, Iran has ever since followed a truly independent policy on the international scene, much to the detriment of the big powers, which out of frustration have resorted to the self-defeatist policy of “Islamophobia” and “Iranophobia”.

The Islamic Republic of Iran by emphasizing support for the oppressed nations of the world has inspired them to rise for their denied rights. This is obvious all over the region and beyond. Islamic Iran supported the rights of the Iraqi Muslim people against the repressive Ba’th minority regime that was then ruling in Iraq. Today also, the Islamic Republic of Iran has rushed to the aid of the Iraqi Muslims and saved them from the ISIL and other terrorist outfits created by the US, Israeli, and Arab reactionary regimes for destabilizing the region. The same policy of supporting the oppressed is evident in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Bahrain, in North Africa and elsewhere. Islamic Iran championed the cause of the oppressed people of Palestine reeling under the jackboots of the Zionist usurpers. Islamic Iran supported the Afghan Muslims during the occupation of their country by the Soviets. Islamic Iran inspired the people of Lebanon to assert their independence. In short, whether in Kashmir, whether in Central Asian, whether in the Caucasus, whether in Africa, whether in Latin America, and wherever the people are oppressed, the Islamic Republic has supported their cause, and inspired them to bid for their rights.

The present Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has always emphasized the rights of the oppressed against the oppressors, and so did all the presidents of Iran throughout the past three and a half decades. The United Nations General Assembly podium has seen the presidents of Iran emphasize the rights of the oppressed and decry the oppression by Global Arrogance. Iran's has called on the UN General Assembly to make all world powers refrain from resorting to threat, force or any other means which is contradictory to the UN objectives or against the territorial integrity and political independence of any country. On Iran’s initiative, the resolution also confirmed the commitment of all member states to UN charter on spreading global respect of human rights and basic freedoms without discrimination, stressing that armed wars and conflicts can lead to spread of extremism and violence and hinder development of human communities. The resolution also nullified the Iranophobia plot and showed to the world bodies that the Iranian nation and government not only are not a threat to other nations but Islamic Iran supports peace and stability in the world and is pioneer of peace and friendship in the world. Defense of the oppressed people in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and in any point where there are oppressed people indicates that human rights banner has been hoisted in the Islamic Republic system through belief in Islam.

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