“Western Efforts to Confine Islamic Revolution Useless”

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A senior Iranian religious and cultural authority said the growing tides of Islamic Awakening in the region prove that the efforts made by the West to confine Iran's Islamic Revolution to the country's borders have failed.

Head of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Ayatollah Taskhiri made the remarks in a meeting with the Deputy Grand Mufti of Croatia (highest religious authority of Muslims in Croatia).

Taskhiri said that the West sought hard to block the spread of the Islamic Revolution and "tried to portray it as an Iranian and Shiite revolution which is not related to the other Islamic countries and Sunnis, but to no avail as we see that the blessings of this revolution have spread throughout the world".

He further pointed out that Arab Spring in Islamic countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia, were inspired by Iran's Islamic Revolution.

He also reiterated that the waves of Islamic Awakening will continue, "and we believe that the era of oppression, tyranny and dictatorship has ended and a golden and lustrous future is awaiting the world of Islam".

Many world officials and figures have uttered the same remarks, saying that the growing wave of awakening across the world have been inspired by the Iranians' Islamic Revolution.

The Vatican leaders in their meetings with an Iranian parliamentary delegation in October acknowledged Tehran's regional and international clout, saying that Islamic awakening overwhelming the different countries of the region and the world has been inspired by Iran's Islamic Revolution.

"We held talks with the Vatican's culture minister over the conditions and the popular uprisings in the region and the Vatican minister said that popular uprisings are inspired by the Islamic Revolution in Iran," member of the Iranian parliament's Clerics Commission Hojjatoleslam Hossein Ebrahimi told FNA on Tuesday.

Also, other religious leaders of the Vatican in similar remarks underlined Iran's major role in inspiring the regional nations in their uprisings and revolutions against their tyrannical rulers, Ebrahimi added.

Since the beginning of 2011, the Muslim world has witnessed popular uprisings and revolutions similar to what happened in Iran in 1979.


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