'Unity among Muslims is a Sharia obligation'

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'Unity among Muslims is a Sharia obligation'

Senegal  Advisor in Iran Al-Haj Mousa Fal in an exclusive interview with TNA beckoned to the standing crises the World of Islamic plunged into placing stress on the necessity and prime importance of unity for sorting out the setbacks.

"Given the present crises in the region and World, preserving unity is a necessity in the World of Islam," he said noting to this end Muslims regardless of the existing conflicts should attend conferences and meetings so as to open talks and offer roadmaps for reasoning out the current problems.

Al-Haj Mousa Fal hailed the leading role of Islamic Republic of Iran in boosting unity and rapprochement among Muslim nations placing emphasis as well on the pivotal role of Islamic Revolution of Iran Founder the Later Imam Khomeini in this regard who proposed the issue of rapprochement among religions.  

"For many consecutive years, this responsibility (promoting unity) forwarded by the Islamic republic of Iran," point out the religious face urging Islamic countries to work in tandem with Iran so as to arrive at the set objectives in this arena.

Mousa Fal beckoned to the books compiled by the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought appraising the move very efficient and effective in unity realm, noting, "Minor conflicts should not eschew promoting unity."

The religious cleric beckoned to the standing commonalities among Muslims including holy book of Quran, Islam Prophet's (PBUH) teachings and instructions calling for a move from Muslims in putting conflicts beside and trying their utmost in securing unity in the Islamic society.

According to Al-Haj Mousa Fal, Western countries team up, despite their conflicts in various political, religious, economic and cultural areas, against Muslims and the same story should be true when it comes to Muslims.

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