Leader: Trump reveals real face of US after years of hypocrisy

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Leader: Trump reveals real face of US after years of hypocrisy

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said today in his address to air force officers that no enemy can paralyze Islamic Iran.

On the 38th anniversary of the historic pledge of allegiance by air force personnel to the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), during the crucial events of the Ten-Day Dawn that culminated on Bahman 22 (February 10 this year) in the complete liberation of Iran from the British-installed and US-backed Pahlavi regime, Ayatollah Khamenei reflecting over the astounding progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past 38 years in the face of huge hurdles (including war and sanctions), said that trust in God and adherence to the lofty humanitarian principles of Islam, is the key to the success of the Iranian nation.

He reiterated that the US was and is, indeed the Great Satan – in view of its continued crimes against humanity that includes manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, state terrorism against independent nations and meddling in the affairs of world countries.

Brushing aside the recent raving and ranting of new US president Donald Trump, who implied that he won’t be kind to Iran as his predecessor Barack Obama was,  Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Trump means to say, ‘Fear me!’ "No. The [Iranian] people will respond to these remarks on Bahman 22 and will show what position the Iranian people assume vis-à-vis threats.”

He said, actually, it is Trump who should be thanked because “he did the job for us of showing the true face of the US. During the [US] election and after it, this gentleman (Trump) came along and laid bare the political, economic, moral, and social corruption within the US establishment that we had been speaking of for thirty-odd years. Now, too, with what he’s been doing, hand-cuffing a 5-year-old [and other things], he is showing what American human rights really mean.”

Ayatollah Khamenei commenting on Trump’s remarks, said: Why should we be to grateful Obama? Is it for the creation of Daesh terrorists? Is it for the flames of violence and war in Iraq and Syria? Is it for open support for the seditionists in Iran in the aftermath of the presidential elections in 2009?

He added: “It was him (Obama) who clamped the supposedly crippling sanctions on the Iranian people. Of course, he fell short of his goal, and no enemy can cripple the Iranian people. These are the examples of the very velveteen gloves that the previous US administration had pulled over its iron claw.”

The Leader recalling the pledge of allegiance to Imam Khomeini by the air force personnel this day in 1979 said: “During the time of the tyrannical [monarchical] regime, the Air Force was one of the closest sections to the US-tied political system. But the regime received the most vehement blow from this very section, something it would have never thought of.

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