Dubai Hosts Quran Contest for New Converts

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Dubai Hosts Quran Contest for New Converts

According to al-Arab al-Yawm website, 309 contenders from 20 countries competed for the top prizes in different categories of the contest.

It was organized by al-Malumat Islamic Center affiliated to the UAE’s Dar-al-Birr Society.

Rashid Junaibi, director of the center, said the competition was aimed at enhancing the new converts’ relationship with the Holy Book and encouraging them to learn the Quran by heart and contemplate its concepts and teachings.

He added that the number of participants in this edition rose by almost 50 percent compared to the first edition.  

Expatriates from Asian, European, African and American countries living in the UAE attended the event, he said.

Winners of the top ranks in different categories, including Quran memorization, recitation and Tarteel, were awarded at the closing ceremony.

The awards for the winners included Umrah (minor Hajj) pilgrimage packages.

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